2 days ago
11 posts

Thanks, Ken. I certainly appreciate your experience and expertise. I’ve had some high-end stuff of all kinds, but I also know 2 things: 1) I don’t want to spend a lot until I know if I’m going to attain the proficiency to warrant it. 2) I want to spend enough that a lack of quality won’t frustrate and deter me. This happened with my brass instruments in school and through college. I was a music ed. major, and taught music for some years. So I’m looking at some moderately-priced stuff: McSpadden, Black Mountain, Feather, and Berg. His “beginner” model struck my eye, and it’s so much less expensive, it made me curious as to its quality.  Also looking at another model of his, as well.

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 days ago
1,148 posts

Like my friend, I don't own, but have played some Bill's dulcimers. They were all of good quality. If I were looking for a new dulcimer I'd certainly look at his. My main dulcimer is a Folkcraft which I play with our local club. The dulcimer I currently play the most is one I built based on the CN Prichard pattern. I have a few what I consider to be historic instruments and a very nice high end dulcimer. I also have a few that I made for myself. I only share this to let you know I have some experience playing many different dulcimers.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 days ago
2,154 posts

Thank for looking!   Building ekeps me off the street occasionally!dulcimer

4 days ago
11 posts

You’re doing some unusual and beautiful work.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 days ago
2,154 posts

I do occasionally build for sale.  You can see examples of my work on my Facebook page in Collections on the top left under my basic info.

5 days ago
11 posts

Thanks, Ken. I appreciate that. Do you build for sale, as well? Do you have a web page?

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 days ago
2,154 posts

Bill has been a quality builder for quite a few years.  I've played, but don't own any of his dulcimers, as I prefer the sound of traditionally-built dulcimers rather than modern-built instuments.  The builders (other than myslef) who produce traditionally-built dulcimers today make fantastic replicas of original instruments with the traditional high-silvery sound.

one week ago
11 posts

Hi, just beginning on dulcimer, but I have years and years of professional experience with fine guitars, boutique electric basses, and minor violin repair. I appreciate fine instruments, and grow quickly frustrated with poor intonation, poor quality build, poor action, and mediocre tone. I’m looking for a less expensive instrument to begin with. Looking at either a McSpadden or an interesting “beginner” instrument by Bill Berg.  What do you think of Bill’s quality?