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• 2 months ago
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Posted a response to "to get chromatic or not":
Posted a response to "to get chromatic or not":
"I love my chromatic dulcimers and tend to play them the most out of my collection but I still like my diatonics. I see the chromatic as an evolution of the..."
hi gale thanks for the info.... i looked over the book and being on a fixed income i can not justify $13+ for one song that i want to have a bit of a break down for. would you be willing to send me a pdf of the tune in question?
Hi Gale,
I just had to stop by and say hi. I see you just joined a couple of days ago, and I did likewise about an hour ago. I noticed the same surname, so I couldn't resist.
Hello Gale and welcome neighbor! Always great to greet someone from Michigan!
Hello and welcome to the FOTMD family! Gotta love those McSpaddens!
Hey Gale, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.