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• 2 months ago
• comments: 0
Posted a response to "Any body have an idea what this is ?":
Posted a response to "Any body have an idea what this is ?":
"Hi Nate, appreciate your comments about my oddball find. Yes I do still play dulcimer. Never been a good player but like the nice feeling it's sound gives...."
• 2 months ago
• comments: 0
Posted a response to "Any body have an idea what this is ?":
Posted a response to "Any body have an idea what this is ?":
"Hi @jim-yates thanks for post. I puzzled for quite a time over that instrument. Finally I concluded that it was definitely homemade despite some fine..."
Hi Mick,
I hope you will have a great time at your first festival! I have really enjoyed the virtual festivals.
I can relate to the time difference. Even a three-hour time difference from the East Coast to the West can be a challenge. When I "went" to a festival based in Florida in November, there were attendees in Ireland and Germany, I believe.
Just three more days!
Thank you Mick for helping to support our site. It is much appreciated!
Welcome, Mick, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.
Hi Mick, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Hey Mick, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.
Welcome to FOTMD, Mick. It is good to have you aboard. I look forward to your participation in these discussions.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Welcome Mick to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a very friendly and helpful forum. Folks here will support you as you learn and answer any questions you may have. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.