

Location: Grosse Ile, Michigan
Country: USA

My Latest Followers:

Larry Walton Salt Springs Steven Berger Stanley Adams Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 6
images: 22
audio tracks: 7

Merrily Kissed the Quaker

Merrily Kissed the Quaker

style or instrument:

musician/member name: mikeMullen1

streams: 78


Recorded live. A traditional Irish Jig with Mike Mullen on Mountain Dulcimer and Andy Kilburn of Fiddle. (Group name is Kimullen).
09/15/19 10:49:00AM @bigskywild:

Gee, I haven't heard that jig in such a long time.  What a treat to hear it again.  It was so well played!  Thanks for sharing it with us.

09/09/19 06:26:53AM @ariane:

Very beautiful playing! flower

09/05/19 10:53:52PM @irene:

One good foot tapping tune and well done and joy can be felt by the listening.  thanks a lot.  aloha, irene

Steven Berger
09/05/19 07:48:51PM @steven-berger:

Well played!

09/05/19 05:43:27PM @mikemullen1:

Thank you for your kind words regarding my trio's audio posts. My first time posting audio so it is very nice to hear that you like them. THANKS


Robin Thompson
09/05/19 05:39:26PM @robin-thompson:

How wonderfully played!  If I could dance a jig, I would.  :)