Noah Aikens


Location: Cookeville, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

DianeL Salt Springs Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington James Phillips Patty from Virginia Dusty Turtle Bing Futch Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson


Playlists: 2
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images: 12
videos: 8
audio tracks: 3

new dulcimer sound test plus amazing grace.

streams: 14
video file: 6.2MB, 00:01:46

03/10/15 06:55:10AM @monica:

Great playing !!

Cindy Stammich
01/11/15 08:04:41PM @cindy-stammich:

Noah - this is great! And that new dulcimer sure has a sweet sound! Love it!Smile.gif

Ben Barr Jr
01/05/15 10:01:30AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Good job...keep playing and mixing it up!

Ken Backer
01/05/15 08:53:40AM @ken-backer:

Very nice, Noah. Love how you picked it up and did some great improv. And then gave us a sound bit on a different dulcimer.

Rob N Lackey
01/05/15 05:36:47AM @rob-n-lackey:

Good job, Noah. You're doing quite well.

Lexie R Oakley
01/04/15 11:25:09PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Great playing Noah, your new dulcimer sounds sweet.

You are quite a showman, like your playing of the sweet songs.Grin.gif

James Phillips
01/04/15 06:48:25PM @james-phillips:

wonderful, and thank you for taking the time to share with us

Patty from Virginia
01/04/15 06:21:34PM @patty-from-virginia:

Great job Noah!!!

Cynthia Wigington
01/04/15 06:16:16PM @cynthia-wigington:
You look so happy Noah, and it sounds so nice. Well done kiddo.