Patty from Virginia


Location: Manassas, VA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Laurel K Scott Kevin R. TLKelly Black Dog Bess Mill Branch Dulcimores Dan Noah Aikens Oliver Ogden Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Don Kemper Maxspop Jean Fawcett jeffrey charles foster John W. McKinstry Greg Patterson William Mann Ken Backer Frank Ross Stewart McCormick Scott Collier Mike Slone Kathy Wilson Gail Webber Jill Geary Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Cheryl Johnson Kevin Messenger Karen Keane robert schuler Rick Kennedy Ben Barr Jr Joe Hamilton Jan Potts Rob N Lackey Brian G. John Keane Richard Streib john p Dan Goad John C. Knopf Jack Ferguson Dusty Turtle Linda Jo brockinton Ken Longfield John Henry Jim Fawcett Ken Hulme Robin Thompson


Playlists: 5
youtube videos: 19
images: 165
videos: 1
audio tracks: 1

I'm still a novice with Music but I'm enjoying learning and playing my dulcimers. I love hymns, gospel and old time type music. Fiddle tunes are great. I especially love noter drone. I have two dulcimers set up for that type playing. 

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Latest Group Discussions

Patty from Virginia

E-Device to read tab or not?

I need to make a decision because I have a huge amount of tab on my...
@Patty from Virginia 8 years ago - Comments: 22
Patty from Virginia

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

I need help tabbing out this hymn. I have a friend who just ordered a...
@Patty from Virginia 9 years ago - Comments: 4
Patty from Virginia

Finishing Poplar- What should I use?

I am getting ready to make a psaltery bow for my neighbor. It's an...
@Patty from Virginia 10 years ago - Comments: 8
Patty from Virginia

What is it that you like about playing Noter Drone?

As per a request from a special person (from another thread that should...
@Patty from Virginia 10 years ago - Comments: 83
Patty from Virginia

Questions about the Zoom H2N audio recorder

I acquired a Zoom H2N recorder a while back. I recorded my daughter...
@Patty from Virginia 12 years ago - Comments: 3
Patty from Virginia

Bonnie Blue Flag

This is a Confederate tune written by Harry Macarthy. It has the same...
@Patty from Virginia 12 years ago - Comments: 6
Patty from Virginia

Dulci Can 4H Instrument Project

I actually completed my first build of a dulci-can or canjo yesterday. I...
@Patty from Virginia 13 years ago - Comments: 6
Patty from Virginia

First dulcimer build for me/Cardboard kit

I joined this group a while back because Jennifer made an awesome...
@Patty from Virginia 13 years ago - Comments: 16
Patty from Virginia

maintaining the finish on my dulcimer

Okay, so I've had my dulcimer for a few months now, almost a year. I do...
@Patty from Virginia 13 years ago - Comments: 5

Latest Audio

We Gather Together

We Gather Together

@Patty from Virginia
10 years ago - Comments: 11

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Latest Forum Discussions


Ruth Randle

Posted: Tuesday March 19 2019, 12:25 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Recommendations for a bow to play a Violin...

Posted: Wednesday March 6 2019, 1:44 PM
By: @kjb

Remember Log In

Posted: Sunday May 6 2018, 12:02 PM
By: @Strumelia

A real Prichard Dulcimer

Posted: Wednesday December 7 2016, 9:29 PM
By: @Patty from Virginia

1880 Appalachian Dulcimer on Antiques...

Posted: Monday September 19 2016, 11:22 AM
By: @Lexie R Oakley

Bending strings to get the accidentals

Posted: Sunday June 12 2016, 3:42 PM
By: @Patty from Virginia

Only in West Virginia?

Posted: Monday June 29 2015, 12:28 PM
By: @Sam

Layman McSpadden?

Posted: Wednesday December 3 2014, 12:00 PM
By: @Patty from Virginia

How does one know what chords to play?

Posted: Friday September 12 2014, 10:06 AM
By: @Patty from Virginia


Jill Geary
11/03/16 09:41:36PM @jill-geary:

Hi Patty - trying to see if this will send a PM to you?

Patty from Virginia
10/26/16 06:48:47PM @patty-from-virginia:

Joe, I'm now following you. I think you should be able to send me a pm.

Joe Hamilton
10/26/16 06:37:20PM @joe-hamilton:

hi patty-will get in touch after Fall Wartz. I have Jim Fawcett's phone number so if you give yours to him I can get it in a more secure fashion than posting it here.

Black Dog Bess
04/18/16 08:13:43PM @black-dog-bess:

Thanks so much for the photos and videos. You helped the weekend come alive again. I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing you again.


Gordon Hardy
11/23/15 10:31:10PM @gordon-hardy:

Hello Patty, here is my tab for I Am Coming To The Cross:

I am coming to the cross



I am coming to the cross; I am poor and weak and blind;

0 3     5    3    4    5       3     5  6      7       8      7       5       4
I am counting all but dross; I shall full salvation find.

3  4      5     3     4    5      3      1    1     0    3   5  4      3


I am trusting, Lord, in Thee. Blessèd Lamb of Calvary;

0 3     5    3         4      5     3         5    6      7       8   7   5  4
Humbly at Thy cross I bow. Save me, Jesus, save me now.

   3    4    5     3      4    5    3       1       1     0  3       5      4     3


Long my heart has sighed for Thee; Long has evil reigned within;

   0      3      5       3       4       5       3         5     6    7 8      7          5   4
Jesus sweetly speaks to me: I will cleanse you from all sin.

 3  4        5   3       4       5    3   1   1       0          3      5     4    3


Here I give my all to Thee: Friends and time and earthly store;

   0    3   5    3     4   5     3          5         6      7       8      7    5      4
Soul and body Thine to be, Wholly Thine forevermore.

  3      4      5  3     4     5    3       1    1     0      3  5  4     3


In the promises I trust; Now I feel the blood applied;

0   3       5  3   4  5   3         5   6    7     8      7     5      4
I am prostrate in the dust; I with Christ am crucified.

3  4      5     3     4    5     3    1    1        0       3     5  4  3

Karel Votanek
11/04/15 03:07:04AM @karel-votanek:

Hi Patty, thank you very much for your nice comment.Ich hope I next time
make fewer mistakes.

Gordon Hardy
09/09/15 12:00:29AM @gordon-hardy:

Thanks Patty, I truly love the singing.

Gordon Hardy
08/30/15 08:46:26PM @gordon-hardy:

Patty re "Hard Times", it's lovely to hear from you. thanks for listening.

Jim Fawcett
08/28/15 06:14:17AM @jim-fawcett:

Happy Birthday Pattyparty

robert schuler
07/25/15 12:07:26PM @robert-schuler:

Patty, I do make psalteries. Please send me your e mail and I can send a picture etc... Robert.

William Mann
06/26/15 03:47:18AM @william-mann:

Hey, Patty.  I and my family are going to Washington, but we decided to stay in Virginia and ride the metro in and out.  We're going to stay in Manassas, near the battlefield park visitors' center; arriving this coming Monday and leaving Thursday.  I'm not completely sure what our daily schedule looks like yet, but please feel free to send me a note if you and your local dulcimer folks are doing anything during that time.  I would still enjoy the opportunity to put faces to names, even if just in passing.

Robin Thompson
06/24/15 01:41:01PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, Patty, it's an honor to be on a playlist-- thank you!  :)

06/17/15 08:53:10PM @strumelia:

Patty please PM me so you can run a little test.

Ken Longfield
06/16/15 02:03:06PM @ken-longfield:

Well, at least you know that it is something Lisa and the host site need to work on. It isn't you. I understand you are not the only one with this problem.


jeffrey charles foster
06/16/15 11:14:53AM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

dont let your husband throw ya outta bed for eating crackers Barbara Mandrel.

LOL friend Jeff.

Ken Longfield
06/16/15 11:07:31AM @ken-longfield:

Yes, Patty. Since you could not get in to chat using another operating system and different browser seem to me to indicate that the problem is either with your server or with your account. Trying it at the library with (I hope) a different server will eliminate the server as a problem it you don't get on chat that way. Then the account needs to be checked by Lisa or someone in tech support.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

jeffrey charles foster
06/16/15 11:02:49AM @jeffrey-charles-foster:



Ken Longfield
06/16/15 10:53:23AM @ken-longfield:

Patty, I am so sad that you are having problems with the chat. It will be interesting to see if you can get to chat on a computer that is outside of your home. I hope the problem is solved soon as I miss you in chat. Don't give up. I'm sure the administrative and tech folks are working to get everyone in chat as soon as they can.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

John Henry
02/22/15 02:29:07AM @john-henry:

Thanks for the thoughts patty, appreciated !


Karel Votanek
02/02/15 03:20:02PM @karel-votanek:

Hi Patty ,
Many thanks for your nice comment

Karel Smile.gif Smile.gif