Noah Aikens


Location: Cookeville, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

DianeL Salt Springs Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington James Phillips Patty from Virginia Dusty Turtle Bing Futch Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson


Playlists: 2
youtube videos: 2
images: 12
videos: 8
audio tracks: 3

flatpicking Schumann (with piano)

streams: 11
video file: 1.6MB, 00:00:32

10/25/17 02:05:49PM @strumelia:

All too short!  Very nice Noah.  yes

Patty from Virginia
01/08/15 10:16:00PM @patty-from-virginia:

That's great! The piano didn't overwhelm the guitar. Nice job!