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@Robin Clark, 02/25/16 01:38:13PM
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your message in my guestbook.
You can fret the bass string on old staple fretted dulcimers but not like you do on a fiddle (the sound it too dead with a pick - on a fiddle the bow keeps the string vibrating). It is a little difficult to explain but if you touch the string and the fretboard with a noter (not pressing the string to to the fretboard) you can sound notes on the bass string. Have a look at this video from about 11 minutes and you'll get the idea
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your message in my guestbook.
You can fret the bass string on old staple fretted dulcimers but not like you do on a fiddle (the sound it too dead with a pick - on a fiddle the bow keeps the string vibrating). It is a little difficult to explain but if you touch the string and the fretboard with a noter (not pressing the string to to the fretboard) you can sound notes on the bass string. Have a look at this video from about 11 minutes and you'll get the idea