Wout Blommers


Location: The Hague
Country: NL

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Wout Blommers

Rolling Stones' Brian Jones and the mountain dulcimer on stage

Just two pictures found on the internet when doing some research....
@Wout Blommers 11 years ago - Comments: 11

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Karel Votanek
08/24/14 02:32:49PM @karel-votanek:

Hallo Wount,

vielen,vielen Dank fr Deine nette Kommentare.Ich kann leider nicht englisch,nur deutsch,tschechisch und russisch,deswegen muss ich alles mit Google-bersetzer lesen.Ich habe bei diesem Lied Dulcimer in G-Dur /D-g-b-d),hnlich wie bei Dobro.

Barre kann ich dann einfach mit dem Kleifinger spielen(wie bei der Gitarre mit dem Zeigefinger)

Mei Hauptinstrument ist eigentlich Konzertgitarre,aber Dulcimer mach mir immer mehr und mehr Spa.Also,nochmals vielen Dank und ich wnsche Dir einen schnen Tag.

Karel aus Freilassing,Germany Smile.gif

Jan Noorduijn
02/11/14 04:56:22AM @jan-noorduijn:

Beste Wout,

Allereerst mijn excuses, daar het voor mij gemakkelijker is om in het Engels te schrijven. Dat is wat: 40 years of living there does to you!

I know about the 'Friese balk' and yes I would like to buy one, just for fun. At the moment I own a hommel, made by Evert Kluter in Friesland from pear wood, and a six string mountain dulcimer, made by Jerry Rockwell in the U.S.A. . I am actually looking to buy a 3/4 string concert solo instrument. Are there good luthiers here in Holland. or do I need to look abroad?

Apart from my dulcimer I also play the theorbe. But can not find anybody to continue my lessons with here in the North of Holland. My teacher lives in the U.K., so we try Skype, but that is far from ideal.

What instrument(s) do you play?

Cheers for now, Jan

Jan Noorduijn
02/10/14 03:04:22PM @jan-noorduijn:

Beste Wout Blommers.

Hartelijk dank voor het welkom. Ik denk dat het forum een leuke plek zal zijn om mensen te ontmoeten met dezelfde interesse in the mountain dulcimer.

Zelf ben ik een geboren Hagenaar, maar heb meer dan 40 jaar in Engeland gewoond en nu dus in het mooie Workum.

Beste wensen voor nu, Jan

08/20/12 06:50:29PM @strumelia:

Hi Wout, please check your INBOX for my message....thanks!

David E.Hall
07/14/11 06:50:29AM @david-ehall:


just saw your post about Ron Ewing Capos . I just emailed with the order and asked what the postage/freight would be . He emailed right back I think the whole deal came to about $20US & he uses paypal so exchange rate is not a problem. I have over the years bought 2 because the I mislaid the first one . By the way I like in the U.K.

Bill Lewis
08/28/10 04:59:08PM @bill-lewis:
Welcome to FOTMD Wout. Grin.gif
Blue Hand
08/20/10 05:15:35PM @blue-hand:
Hello Wout,No problemSmile.gif As far as buying a MD i can't really give you good advice. Since i started on a Dulcimer i got passed on from my family. And my other Dulcimer i bought while i was on a holiday to the States.And concerning the price: You can make it as expensive as you like, It all depends on what you expect from it.But as far as i know there are no shops in our country which sell Dulcimers.I bought the capo in the same shop as my Dulcimer (in the States that is), and to be more precise at: www.prussiavalley.com So you could order one from there, or look at other shops.~Blue Hand~
Blue Hand
08/20/10 04:04:47PM @blue-hand:
Welkom in de community!Leuk om een mede Nederlander te vinden hier.Veel plezier hier!
Rod Westerfield
08/20/10 03:37:27PM @rod-westerfield:
welcome Wout, glad ya joined the FOTMD family.. 103.gif
08/20/10 03:29:34PM @strumelia:
Welcome to you Wout!