Blue Hand


Location: Tilburg
Country: NL

My Latest Followers:

DianeL Rob N Lackey john p Geoff Black John Henry Foggers Strumelia


youtube videos: 21
images: 16
videos: 6
audio tracks: 9


streams: 7
video file: 2.7MB, 00:01:29

12/10/11 10:57:47AM @folkfan:

Nice tune and a really great sound to the instrument as well.

12/09/11 07:26:16AM @strumelia:

I love that full 'old world' sound. Very appealing tune, too!

For an epinette it has an unusually full deep sound.

John Keane
12/09/11 05:04:23AM @john-keane:

Great sounding instrument and nicely played!

Blue Hand
12/09/11 05:01:15AM @blue-hand:

Thank you Peter, The Epinette is tuned to (starting with the melody strings):
D#,D#,D#, D#, G#, D# (octave below the other D's), G#, C#

Peter Corser
12/09/11 04:22:06AM @peter-corser:

Very nice Blue Hand, thank you. Could I ask how your epinette is tuned?


John Henry
12/09/11 03:57:31AM @john-henry:

Thanks Blue Hand, I enjoyed that ! What is the VSL of you epinette?


Blue Hand
12/09/11 03:54:49AM @blue-hand:

Thank you for your comments!

John, the VSL is about25.5 inches.