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Posted: Thursday December 24 2020, 12:11 PM
By: @Strumelia
By: @Strumelia
Rest in peace John Phillips. You will be much missed and remembered.
Rest in peace, friend.
Test comment to test your new email address.
Update 30 seconds later:
Yep, your new email address is working perfectly- getting delivered immediately with no problem, John....
thanks for accepting my request. I am part English - who knows?
Hello John! I hope your well.I know you like folk music as do I, and wasjust wondering if you ever saw a west country folk singer by the name of Tony Rose.?Mostly traditional and played english concertina and he was a cracking guitarist!Kind RegardsGary:-)
Hi John, yes he had a night in hospital following an angina attack. They have adjusted his medication which is making him feel groggy. He is home and had a good sleep last night. So hopefully he will continue to improve. His computer is knackerred at the moment and I have not yet mastered using the FOTMD site yet. So could you pass on this update in which ever way you feel is appropriate. I will of course pass on any messages.Missed you at Launde. It was a good one. I really enjoyed Duncan Gibbs 'rock on the dulcimer' stuff. Will you be going to Great Malvern next year ?CheersPaul
Hi John. It sounds like we are about the same place in life, I retired a few years ago and now I want to get serious about building dulcimers. Also sounds like I got interested in them about the same time as you. I am also computer literate and enjoy programming. I have learned a lot by writing manuals and some programs. I get a greater understanding about scale length and fret placement by writing a program. That is why I was questioning you about the program. I am a linux user and learning to program in Python (just a beginner - code academy). I was just curious what language you used to write your program and if it is multi-platform.
Thanks again for responding
Bob Nelson
Iola, Wisconsin, USA
Hi John,
Thank you for the kind words and also the neat information on Life's Railway! I love hearing about songs that may have been in other places and other times! I really appreciate you sharing!
Yes John those old albums were great and need to be taken out more often. The amount of great stuff that came out during the 70's was amazing . I find as soon as the needle hits the vinyl, memories of youthful frolics come flooding back, great times indeed.
John was playing a few tunes in DDc last night, a song from an early Tim Hart, Maddy Prior came to mind. Copshawhome Fair if you don't already play this tune I think it would really suit your lovely relaxed English style of playing.
More lovely tunes from you, John-- thank you. Ramble Away is perhaps my favorite.
Thanks John. :)
The Curra Road is a lovely tune. Thanks for posting it
John, The Curragh Road is beautiful and, as your music always is, beautifully played. (I especially love the end of the phrase that is unresolved!)
John P, I expect there will be other "enchantments" in thePhrygianas well as other modes. It's a term I use for one-off modal improvisations that happen to get recorded. If I can just get my bandmate to repair his accordion, there may be a few more in this kind of arrangement even...
Many thanks for your kind comments about that elegantly-titled waltz. lol A music friend of ours told Mark and I that we should write a waltz. Mark was doing other things, so I played around for a couple days and came up with this. There's a wonderful young fiddler named Rayna Gellert and she plays a tune called Swannanoa Waltz and I love the way it moves; though I'll never come close to the feel of that tune, the nice light tone of it was what I was aiming for.
I'm a fan of those wonderful tunes you play! So glad you've recorded them and have them here because I don't know how else I would ever get to hear them.
mate your running around and I'm running around ....lol ...thanks buddy have a great weekend
Thanks very much, John. Looking forward to seeing you at Launde.
Hey John, insert the word "like" after really in my message. Makes a little more sense now-
John, I really your style of playing. Hope we can play together some day-maybe with Val Hughes and Robin Clark? Would that be cool or what....