Bucko Futreal


Location: Shreveport, LA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

mrdougg Mariainct DianeL Charles Thomas Monica Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Greg Patterson Christine Shoemaker Mike Thurman Wayne Jiang John Keane Dusty Turtle Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 112
images: 19
audio tracks: 14

Test Drive of Electric Dulcimer Built from Heirloom Cypress

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:04:11
I built a new electric mountain dulcimer from some cypress wood harvested and milled in the 19th century (at least). The wood has been in my family as an old ironing board. The firgerboard is non-heirloom red oak; the electronics compartment is built from a cigar box.
Bucko Futreal
08/27/15 09:55:24AM @bucko-futreal:

Thanks @Sam -- reclaiming this piece of wood was espeically gratifying since it had a long history in our family.  It's a big enough piece that I can get a few other items out of it as well.

And @Greg-Patterson and @John-Keane -- glad y'all like it.  

08/27/15 06:51:57AM @sam:

Nice melody, nice sound and NOTHING pleases me more then reclaiming a piece of old wood. Much enjoyed.


Greg Patterson
08/26/15 08:43:01PM @greg-patterson:

Really nice sound there!music

John Keane
08/26/15 05:18:11PM @john-keane:

Hey Michael, it sounds great!