Byron Kinnaman


Location: Salem, OR
Country: US

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youtube videos: 3
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videos: 1

Christmas 2014

streams: 0
video file: 2.3MB, 00:01:14

Cindy Stammich
12/22/14 10:51:01PM @cindy-stammich:

Love it Byron! Right down to the fireplace and Santa Hat!!!

I believe that family room is a great place to make music!

Ken Backer
12/22/14 10:22:04PM @ken-backer:

Thanks for the nice playing of Christmas songs, Byron. Hope you have happy festive season.

Patty from Virginia
12/22/14 08:54:25PM @patty-from-virginia:

Thank you Byron for the Christmas music. Nice video!!! Merry ChristmasSmile.gif

Lexie R Oakley
12/22/14 06:11:51PM @lexie-r-oakley:
Merry Christmas to you and your family Byron.Thank you for the wonderful Christmas song, sounds real good.