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AllThings to do with Prichard and his dulcimers
It appears as though there's questions about what it and what isn't a...
@Clockdr 4 years ago - Comments: 24
Kratz-zither found
Amongst the dross, I recently found a kratz-zither for sale on eBay....
@Clockdr 7 years ago - Comments: 3
Jethro Amburgey Chronology
I've been collecting notes from the various Amburgey dulcimers I've...
@Clockdr 7 years ago - Comments: 6
ClockDr- thank you so much for your kind donation to keep FOTMD running! So very much appreciated.
Welcome to FOTMD, Clockdr. It's good to have you aboard. On Saturday March 10, a group of us from FOTMD visited the John Jacob Niles Center for American Music. Dr. Revell Carr graciously welcomed us and let us handle the dulcimers the center has on display. We spent Thursday through Sunday in Berea exploring noter drone playing and also made a field trip to Hindman.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Hi Clock, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Welcome, Clockdr to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Several members here were in Berea weekend before last, all who prefer noter drone. The friends here have lots of knowledge and experience and are always willing to share. Post comments, ask questions. Have a good time. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey. Glad you joined.
Welcome, Clockdr, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.
Hey Clockdr, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.