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AllAn Appalachian Dulcimer Sculpture
An Appalachian Dulcimer Sculpture...
@David Bennett 3 weeks ago - Comments: 2
Melungeon outdoor drama: Walking Toward the Sunset
My latest dulcimentary:...
@David Bennett 8 months ago - Comments: 0
Question about original EverythingDulcimer.com
If I remember correctly when the originial EverythingDulcimer.com went...
@David Bennett 2 years ago - Comments: 2
Strumming with No. 18 pocket watch spring
Two questions regarding strumming with a watch spring:a. Have any of you...
@David Bennett 2 years ago - Comments: 4
December 18 1955 Ritchie Family Reunion was broadcast live
December 18, 1955 Ritchie Family Reunion was broadcast live from...
@David Bennett 4 years ago - Comments: 4
Early 1900s Dulcimer Player from Oneida, Kentucky
Jeremiah Burns aka Jerry Mier Burns aka Jerry M. Burns (1872-1938)...
@David Bennett 4 years ago - Comments: 0
Jacob Ray Melton 1990 Field Recording
This may have already been posted (I got the links from Greg Gunner...
@David Bennett 4 years ago - Comments: 1
Looking for article from 30 May 1954
I am looking for a copy of an article from Nashville Tennessean...
@David Bennett 4 years ago - Comments: 4
John Rawdon/Dolly Parton Dulcimer
The Dolly Parton dulcimer that was auctioned yesterday sold for...
@David Bennett 5 years ago - Comments: 2
Dulcimer Repair Near Ringgold, GA?
Someone contacted me on Facebook last night saying that her husband...
@David Bennett 5 years ago - Comments: 6
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: February
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: February...
@David Bennett 5 years ago - Comments: 8
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: January
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: January...
@David Bennett 5 years ago - Comments: 7
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: October & November
I've been remiss in my postings the last couple of months... Today...
@David Bennett 6 years ago - Comments: 5
"Sunday Sunrise" video series
Kendra Ward & her husband have started a weekly video series of...
@David Bennett 6 years ago - Comments: 8
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AllLooking for tabs/books devoted to old...
By: @Wildcat
Halloween: Old Talon
By: @Strumelia
2019 Dulcimer Exhibit Jonesborough TN
By: @Dan
Dulcimentary: Appalachian Dulcimers in TV...
By: @Lexie R Oakley
Who Will Sing For Me -- In memory of Judy...
By: @Ken Longfield
An Unofficial History of Westphalia Waltz
By: @Dusty Turtle
Archie Lee dulcimentary
By: @Ken Longfield
Clifford Glenn Dulcimer photos
By: @David Bennett
Hee Haw Plank Dulcimer
By: @David Bennett
John Stinson #2 history?
By: @Robin Thompson
My first Mountain Dulcimer Competition
By: @Robin Thompson
A new dulcimer from a 100 year plus old...
By: @Stephanie Stuckwisch
My two Keith Young Dulcimers
By: @Strumelia
Hi there,
I have been playing a dulcimer exactly zero days. 😆
I ordered one that should be here Friday. I've previously played around with both guitar and cello, but I ran into the problem of just not having the finger dexterity to get the complex fingerings correct. Music has always been more of an aspiration than a reality. For this next 5 weeks or so I have some time to kill, so I decided to give it a whirl. I've watched video of people playing dulcimer and it seems that the finger positions are not nearly so challenging as other things I've tried.
This is a friendly reminder to tune your dulcimores forward tonight.
A friend of mine asked me to help him find the tabs for " Big John McNeil " aka " John McNeil's Reel " a Scottish dance tune written by Peter Milne (1824-1908).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
sheet music:
I'm not really big on Halloween but I ran across this this morning and posted it to Steve Carney's FB page, so I figgered I'd post it here too
Old Talon by Seth Boyden
A Tennessee creature story about a mysterious monster named Old Talon terrorizing a remove Appalachian community. An Appalachian dulcimer figures prominently in the story
Dulcimer images from the story
Rugg and Jackel dulcimer (see attached photos)
I don't own this and wasn't sure where to post it (or if I should) and I don't know if this is something anyone would have any interest in or not. A little while ago my niece sent me a message with these photos of a dulcimer she saw at an antique mall with a $40 price tag. I asked her to look for a label and she told me it read, "Rugg and Jackel Music Co Folkroots".
She told me the wood is "a little loose on the back". See the second photo.
If this is something you are interested in and are in the Pensacola area you can find it at
Miles Antiques, 5109 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, Fl, 32503, 850-607-6560
Just out of curiosity this morning I did look up Appalachian New Years traditions:
Lang may your lum reek.
May the fire on your hearth burn on.
—Scottish New Year toast
Some of us have noticed that the U.S. has never (so far as we know) ever had a stamp featuring the Appalachian Dulcimer. It's a long shot but if anyone (I'm not able to at this time) wants to take this on as a project there is a way to at least suggest the US Postal Service consider it:
Want to make a formal suggestion to the U.S. Postal Service?
Then mail your suggestions to:
Stamp Development; US Postal Service
1735 North Lynn St., Rm 5013, Arlington VA 22209-6432
How do I suggest a postal stamp design?
Our friend Jake Hisaw (1918-2019) passed today. For years he camped and played with dulcimer groups from Virginia to Texas. He last yodeled for us in May and was active u to the end. See
A traditional Irish tune for Saint Patrick's Day
Lyrics attributed to Patrick Donnelly (1650–1716).
Oh, list to the lay of a poor Irish harper
And scorn not the strains of his withered old hands
Remember his fingers, they once could move sharper
To raise up the memory of his dear native land
When I was a young lad King Jamie* did flourish
And I followed the wars in my brogues bound with straw
And all the fair colleens from Wexford to Durrish
Called me Bold Phelam Brady, the Bard of Armagh
How I long for to muse on the days of my boyhood
Tho' four scores and three years have flitted since then
Still it gives sweet reflections, as every young joy should
For light-hearted boys make the best of ould men
At a pattern or fair I could twist me Shillelagh
Or trip through the jig with me brogues bound with straw
Whilst all the pretty maidens around me assembled
Loved Bold Phelam Brady, the Bard of Armagh
Although I have travelled this wide world over
Yet Erin's a home and a parent to me
Then, Oh! Let the ground that my ould bones shall cover
Be cut from the soil that is trod by the free
And when Sergeant Death in his cold arms shall embrace me
Oh, lull me to sleep with sweet 'Erin Go Bragh' **
By the side of my Kathleen, my young wife, oh place me
Then forget Phelam Brady, the Bard of Armagh
I'm guessing around ten, but I'll let you know as soon as they finalize the schedule!
Jake Hisaw will be 100 years old on 30 August. We'd like to encourage anyone who'd like to to send a birthday greeting to him do so at the address below. Over the years Jake has played with many campers and jammers between Virginia and Texas. Jake still sings, yodels and plays his guitar. He knows more songs than anyone I know. The last couple years he's been a regular with the Athens Dulcimers.
Jake Hisaw
Room 8
The Madison Village & Assisted Living
6016 Wall Triana Highway, Madison, AL 35757
I happened to be checking for dulcimer related items on Ebay today and found a FOTMD button for $6.95 plus $4 shipping.
Hmmm, maybe a should buy a bunch of nice new pins Strumelia sells for $2.50 each and sell them on ebay. That's almost a 40% profit!
Strumelia's pins http://harmonias.com/FOTMD%20buttons/
Today I received the FOTMD buttons I ordered to wear at the now cancelled Hindman Dulcimer Homecoming. The good news is I'll still get to wear them that weekend in Berea and Hindman when I meet some of the other droners from FOTMD that have nothing else to do tht weekend. Anyway, in trying to explain the significance of the rare and elusive Lesser Hairy Toed Fotmd on the one button to Karen I was unable to find the post about the moth here on fotmd.com (maybe I just missed it). However, I did find it on the older dulcimer-noter-drone.blogspot.com site and thought some of the newer member might be interested in the story.
The rare and elusive Lesser Hairy Toed Fotmd
Long, Long Ago
Here's a new old tune I'm learning. Dave Holeton's video is excellent for learning the tune
With the total solar eclipse coming up Monday I was trying to think of some tunes that might be appropriate so after thing of some off the top of my head I went through my tab books looking for promising titles. Some of these might be a stretch. Feel free to add your own:
Monday Night Waltz (The eclipse on Monday)
Keep On The Sunny Side
Rising Sun Blues (House of the)
Sunshine In the Shadows
When This Evening Sun Goes Down
You Are My Sunshine
Meet Me By the Moonlight, Alone
Black Mountain Rag (?)
Bring a Torch, Jeannette Isabella
Give Me Oil in My Lamp
Lamp Lighting Time In The Valley
Meet Me By the Moonlight, Alone
Old Aunt Jenny with Her Nightcap On
Sunshine In the Shadows
Three Blind Mice
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Wake Up Susan
What a Day That Will Be
When the Stars Begin to Fall
When This Evening Sun Goes Down
Worried Man Blues