

Location: Bad Hoenningen
Country: Germany

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Wayfaring Stranger w/ Violin, Recorder and Dulcimers

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:06:19
Dieses Video entstand während des 1. deutsch-österreichischen Dulcimertreffens in der Nähe von Wien.

Irmi - Geige
Uli - Flöten
Barbara - Mountain Dulcimer
Rainer - Mountain Dulcimer & Vocals

Vielen Dank an alle Mitmusiker:innen und ein besonderer Dank an Isa, unsere Kamerafrau. Alle Bilder wurden in pixabay veröffentlicht, hier gilt unser Dank den Fotografen/Erstellern der Bilder.

Viel Spaß beim Anschauen des Videos.
Robert L. Porter, Jr.
05/21/23 11:48:06PM @robert-l-porter-jr:

good job on that song with all the instruments that you used. Very good, enjoyed it very much.

05/21/23 07:19:56PM @nate:

delightfully haunting

Robin Thompson
05/18/23 07:03:26PM @robin-thompson:

I liked your video very much!  

05/18/23 04:34:03AM @dora71:

Recorded during the first German - Austrian Dulcimer Meeting near Vienna/Austria.

Enjoy the video.