Forum Activity for @salt-springs

Salt Springs
06/17/16 09:18:54PM
214 posts

Your Online Dulcimer Buying Adventures!

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Does anyone own a dulcimer built by Lee Pack in Weaverville, NC.    I am told they have the old time silvery sound and are unique in this respect.  If you know of a sound file or audio clip that would be great.

Salt Springs
06/15/16 11:17:05AM
214 posts

I need help, too, with performance description

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

And one other thing Rob.............there are lot's of, "Hits" out there rooted in old songs,  I once heard that that one that goes, "Your Not Woman Enough, to Steal My Man," started out to be........."If Your not Fat Enough, Just Eat More Ham".   There are others of course........remember, Leader of the Pack?   It, I am told became a favorite of construction workers who changed the lyric to, "We See the Plumber's Cra_k."  As of yet I am unable to confirm any of this so we will have to say right now those myths are busted.

Anyway, as soon as these meds wear off, I'll be doing lots of in depth research......I even heard that the "Water's Wide" became a weight loss commercial tune that had something to do with, "It's Just So Wide and They Won't Go Over"....., might of been one of those new fangled underwear commercials too...not sure, I'll  keep digging.  Betting that's a myth too.    

Salt Springs
06/15/16 07:07:47AM
214 posts

I need help, too, with performance description

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Yup, I needed a good laugh too.... and figured you'd get a chuckle out of that one.  Glad I made you laugh...............BTW......remember, Polk Salad Annie?   So I figured, Ramp Salad Lackey.............the lyrics could go anywhere, whew!

updated by @salt-springs: 06/15/16 07:16:31AM
Salt Springs
06/14/16 01:28:21AM
214 posts

I need help, too, with performance description

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Well Rob, at the risk of sounding a bit off me rocker, I think I would present a playbill sort of description, put it in a portfolio and use the show theme to describe my act.   Here's what I mean, and I do this at the risk of sounding rocker-less...........


                                                                                 "From this Old Holler"

                                                                                The Songs of Simpler Times


                                                                                       "Ramp Salad"

                                                                               Songs that Lighten the Heart

  or something like a Old Time Gospel Show:

                                                                                "Wait'n for My Slippers"

                                                                   Old Time Music Celebrating the Old Time Gospel


updated by @salt-springs: 06/14/16 01:28:55AM
Salt Springs
06/03/16 07:17:06AM
214 posts

odd tuning problem

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Checked out your string positioning on the pic you posted of your dulcimer and more or less duplicated it on one I had here that I was messing with.............when I fretted the middle/melody strings they tightened up just enough to touch the bass and sure enough threw it off. Looks like it is pushing it up enough to release some of the tension on the bass string or unseating it just a tad in the slot.

updated by @salt-springs: 06/03/16 07:29:31AM
Salt Springs
06/03/16 12:14:36AM
214 posts

odd tuning problem

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Check your string positions in the scroll head if that is what you have..............Bass string to first tuner, middle string to second and so forth , avoid crossing them because they will pick up vibrations from the other strings.  Since you strum right handed I would go clockwise in this order with scroll head pointing left...........

first melody string to first tuner on bottom of scroll, second melody to top tuner on bottom of scroll, middle string to top tuner on far side, bass string to bottom tuner on far side.  use the lowest holes on the tuner pegs that will allow you to keep those strings from making big X's....keep the strings a straight as possible...........some folks will tell you it doesn't matter, but it does.

Salt Springs
05/29/16 10:54:26PM
214 posts

Yes.......Gaelic was a hobby of mine years ago.........but here's the deal........few ever speak it here or abroad and then you have the entire colloquial thing to deal with too.   So far as Carmichael's work is concerned, I did not imply that you should mine it, would probably be amazed at the topical diversity that the Highlander's incorporated into their poetic side.   Some I recall of course are the standard blessings one would assume such as traveling mercies or thanksgivings for a good harvest or hunt...........but consider..........blessings for the warmth of fire, the stillness of water, coming of age or the flip side crone-ing as they would put it.    So I used to consider their participation in the entire movement of every aspect of life as a form of awareness and mystic perception. Remember a mystery is something once hidden, but now disclosed.

The other thing that I found, at least in my old version was how they related to death, grief and sorrow......a part of life and inevitable, not to be mourned, but merely an occasion for biding farewell to a dear one until another day and it goes on and on....

All that used to get my creative thinking going.......what would a song about warmth in the midst of bone chilling cold have for a lyric.......or what about a cool taste of water while harvesting a field, or what sort of greeting would you give a dear departed one should he or she appear in the minds eye or on a lonely highway or upon your arrival to the land wherein they reside?

I once held a Poetry reading after a hurricane in my Parish.  It was directed by a band of poets and writers that frequented that old church from time to was titled, "Mourning the Trees."  Most all of those poets were of Gaelic orientation and they sang, read, recited and granted wisdom to those who were still reeling from a nasty hurricane that really wrecked our Island years ago.   So here is an event that happened during that storm.........

The Sanctuary in my Parish was was built in the late 1800's and had a great high tower on it............the sides of that tower had six great openings covered with Bahama shutters.   The storm blew for 5 or 6 hours and since it had come up through Cuba it brought with it all sorts of birds, in fact thousands of brilliant tiny finches.........yellow, gold, green and blue.  The storm blew 100's them through the shutters and into the main part of the sanctuary.  When I opened the doors and huge windows, they flew round and round, like a giant tornado and headed out into the clear sky.  One came back flew around my head, looked me in the eye offered a tiny incantation and joined his fast scattering pals.

So as Lyric Poet, which is what you would an old Scott put that to verse and song?   Carmichael's highlanders would see a mystery in that..would it be a parting song, a thanksgiving bard or mourning greeting?  The average parish member I had saw no mystery, just wondered where they might have dumped and did they do any damage.   No awareness of life's mystery or the hidden blessings observation can reveal.

My old neighbor, a poet and song writer of genuine renown and immense popularity, said when he heard the story..........."Of course."  Bless him he's gone now........remember, the song, "A Boy Named Sue" or the book, "A Light in the Atttic."  He was one genius who captured it all and every time he presented an old tune or poem it had to be a fresh in the mind and heart as the day it was written ........I could go on, but, more than enough said..............



updated by @salt-springs: 05/29/16 11:07:25PM
Salt Springs
05/29/16 03:49:42PM
214 posts

It was supposed to sound Dean Martin-ish and tacky. bananawave     


All kidding aside........if people ask what it is you do simply tell them your a Poet or if you prefer the Scottish word, "Makar".    I remember one of the great Scottish songstress-poets from grad school........."Mairi Mhor nan Oran" (Big Mary of the Songs).  Your not "Mhor" so I'll think of you as "Mairi Bheag nan Oran". (Little Mary of the Songs.  I suppose you could use the phrase Bardic Poet, but for classicists, the word "Bard" is not so was usually used as a term of derision until Robert Burns, if I remember cleaned it's usage up and made it more respectable.

You might also consider checking out Carmichael's, "Carmina Gadelica" if you have not already done so.   It is two volumes of very old ballads, chants, incantations, hymns, Psalms and blessings collected over decades throughout the highlands.  I used these volumes for years and years.  I believe you can find digital copies on the internet. My old ones with the steel engravings disappeared a few years back, imagine that.............anyway, it is a great source of material long forgotten by most and worthy of remembrance.

Anyway, have fun.........and do consider Scotch and Water, it takes the edge off...giggle2     I do really enjoy your work.  Keep it up.


Salt Springs
05/29/16 12:07:22PM
214 posts

This is easy...............go with:

                                                       Scotch and Water

                                                  (and easy on the water)


Everything goes with Scotch and Water..........and I dare say, the less water the better.  Aye, Coinneach?

updated by @salt-springs: 05/29/16 12:28:33PM
Salt Springs
05/27/16 10:06:06AM
214 posts

That's a Jim Dandy version Rob.............I like that  alot.

Salt Springs
05/20/16 12:44:50AM
214 posts

A String By Any Other Name...Is A String! (or is it?)

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Double check your nut and bridge and make sure that string is fully set in the slots.   I had that problem awhile back and even though it looked fine, what I found was that the slot in the nut let that string go from time to time.   I had to widen that slot and deepen it a problem after that.  I would guess that the heavier string I had put on that day was just a bit wider then the originals and that was what was causing the issue.

Salt Springs
04/12/16 07:20:33PM
214 posts

Amp-to-Pickup cord?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

A 1/4 male one............and the other end to match your amps input...............what amp do you have?

Salt Springs
04/11/16 11:23:27PM
214 posts

Music for Healing and Wholenes---Let's Emphasize the Dulcimer Therapy Forum once again.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

 I agree Dusty........I know you have been instrumental, pun intended, in that group.........the reason I thought we might stir this one up a bit is because I am finding that some of my PTSD folk can really get wrapped around the axle when certain songs are played or sung..........btw, feel free to move this discussion if you or Strumelia are so inclined.

Salt Springs
04/11/16 11:09:35PM
214 posts

Music for Healing and Wholenes---Let's Emphasize the Dulcimer Therapy Forum once again.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

That's true Ken........I have had the same thing happen on more than once..........I also heard a nut job singing I'll fly away while another patient, a child was dying of cancer two beds down...........people are weird........I guess it makes all the difference in the world if we remember whose benefit we are playing for.........yup, harp music no thank you if I'm croaking.......go with "Wild Colonial Boy."

updated by @salt-springs: 04/11/16 11:19:57PM
Salt Springs
04/11/16 10:55:59PM
214 posts

Music for Healing and Wholenes---Let's Emphasize the Dulcimer Therapy Forum once again.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I think there is aspect to music that is sometimes overlooked and that is music's ability to provide a tremendous amount of spiritual ministry, if that is the correct phrase, to many people who are struggling with all sorts of difficulties.   Some of those issues might be related to physical infirmities, long term or chronic depression, grief over the loss of a loved one or any one of a multitude of issues.  As we all know, or at least should know, how a tune is played can have a significant effect on the hearer and it is important to match what we present to the circumstances our listeners or listener might find themselves in.........there are tunes that entertain, tunes that heal and tunes that can either make a situation better or worse.   I know in days gone by Mary Z.  & Lois H. had discussions about this on ED.  It was posted under Music in Service to Others".......there was wisdom in what they  discussed.   After all, who would want to play "I've Been a Wild Rover" or "I'll Fly Away" in a Hospice center.   Any thoughts on with regard to tempo, music choices?  Native flute players feel free to join in too.   I've used both dulcimers, Native Flutes etc. over the years and it might be good to share some ideas and experiences we have had when we focus on the listener and forget about ourselves.

updated by @salt-springs: 04/11/16 11:06:02PM
Salt Springs
04/08/16 11:16:48PM
214 posts

New keys for dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Well, Charles and Dan.............we got one this year...............Happy First of April, Terry.  By the way got some ramp?

Salt Springs
04/08/16 11:12:40PM
214 posts

Recent article in a local paper.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Gee whiz Kevin............if that's 19 in the pic, my Prichard is a for sure celebrity.....most excellent dude..........dulcimer

updated by @salt-springs: 04/09/16 06:29:54AM
Salt Springs
04/01/16 11:58:43PM
214 posts

New keys for dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Yes!!!!! And Lobster claws for finger pic's......

updated by @salt-springs: 04/02/16 12:02:42AM
Salt Springs
04/01/16 11:17:00PM
214 posts

New keys for dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Well..............yeah!   Same goes for picks you know..............the quill think has run its course and I suggest some of us begin experimenting with other things.  Just this afternoon, I came across a poor Opossum on the road.............then I thought, now wouldn't that tail would make a great pick that would add a lot of zip to Galax style tunes.  Then a bit further an I said, why not have Opossum on the half shell.............

Salt Springs
03/31/16 02:40:33PM
214 posts

 Chord chart for dulcimer by David Beede is here:

Salt Springs
03/31/16 02:24:48PM
214 posts

Hi IIshana.........I have tried tab edit, but alas I am too slow to figure it out.....I'll bow to your expertise with that concoction of buttons and stuff.   I have found the chords for  OM Namah Shivaya more or less worked out by players far smarter than I.  Here is a link to some guitar chords:

 However, for almost all the traditional versions that you will find you are going to need a 1 1/2 fret.  Now, all is not lost because those can be added by a luthier or you can use what I call the Jessica Coumeau method, who incidentally is a genius on the MD.  Appears she took a piece of wire or bass string about a 1/2 inch and placed it at the 1 1/2 point and using some Scotch tape held it in place.  I would also think that DGdd would be your optimal tuning for that one.  David Beede another phenominal player posts this chord chart for all sorts of tunings..........I found it very helpful.

Now to be perfectly honest...........chord playing fine, but I really get a hoot and holler out of drone and noter.

updated by @salt-springs: 03/31/16 02:38:10PM
Salt Springs
03/29/16 12:04:18AM
214 posts

You might go to you tube and checkout Jack Haas, Eric Olson, Samuel Roberts and Aalok Patwhardan....they have some interesting Mt. Dulcimer Video.  They won't show tab, but will help with technique.

Salt Springs
03/26/16 10:29:21PM
214 posts

 Check Robin Clark's sound clip titled "A Meeting of Souls"......Robin is one of the best players for the other business at hand regarding Kirtan.........the music can be adapted to fit the chant if you are so inclined.  The one below can be used at least for part of the Om Namaha Shivaya though it will take a little practice and experimentation.  Again it has been 30 years since I worked with this sort of thing.   You can also check some of the you tube posts....there is a post called Divinity-A Musical goal back then was to play those on Bansuri......did OK but age caught up with check that you tube post will blow your mind........totally.



  Tune DAA/capo on 2/tonic base string will be F#/middle c#/start melody on fret 5 to 6 and/or 9..........this is a good starting place
Salt Springs
03/24/16 11:10:19PM
214 posts

Rookie Mistakes --

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ken Hulme:

Celtic Diet:  Haggis.  Whiskey.  Tatties & Neeps (potatoes & turnips).  

The name of the tune was originally "Boil That Haggis Down", but it's a well-known urban myth that when the tune was imported to Amerikay, the name was changed to protect a guilty sheep-rustler named MacBaah.

"'Tis true, Coinneach.........MacBaah was known to be of a questionable ethic........I believe he also wrote, "I like My Haggis just a Little on the Salty Side." I think he may also have been the one who wrote, "Fresh Muggies do Come from the Ocean."   I think thateventually became a tune having to do with someone named Bonnie or the likes.

updated by @salt-springs: 03/24/16 11:25:40PM
Salt Springs
03/24/16 11:30:43AM
214 posts

Rookie Mistakes --

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions're an Advanced Traveler..............Have you bought a Scheitholt yet?  I got the Deluxe from June Apple, 6 Drones and I would think that it would ride in one of those little closets next to the driver's command module in your RV.  It is a grand instrument.  I am envious of your amenities.   By the way I did have a set of Ben Seymore suspenders a few years back........if your interested they are still available from select sellers.

Ride on my brother.......

updated by @salt-springs: 03/24/16 12:21:45PM
Salt Springs
03/24/16 11:08:05AM
214 posts

Rookie Mistakes --

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Aye, Coinneach,

Haggis, Glenfiddich 18, and pot of Muggies and Cranachan.

updated by @salt-springs: 03/24/16 11:19:16AM
Salt Springs
03/24/16 12:44:57AM
214 posts

Rookie Mistakes --

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I do believe that the old adage that the journey of a thousand tunes begins with a single pick is true and I think it unfortunate that some ancient guy shamelessly swiped it, claimed it was an original thought and Philosophical Action Committee arranged to have it engraved in the mind of countless modern folk convincing them that it was about hiking. Every student of the Dulcimore knows, (thank you Dan) that original linguisitic terminology must be preserved as well as the wide variety of noters that have made their way into the urban Appalachian counter culture, only to be lost.  For several years I have read the posts found on this website and have found that there has always been considerable information available to assist me in my journey of a thousand tunes.  However, when it comes to advice to Rookies I have a .12 stainless steel string to pick.   Bones for picking are acceptable, though they have a tendency to wear out far to quickly when on Saturday evenings, Guinness inspired high speed Flamenco tunes burst forth from the heart.  Anyway, here is the string to pick....when I began my journey no one ever informed me off the tremendous financial burden learning to play the dulcimer would entail.   Since Ms. Chitwood stirred my conscience with her discussion topic I have meditatively evaluated the cost of my muse over the last five or six years.  Let me bring all of you up to speed in this regard.

1. It is imperative that a beginner carefully assess which six dulcimers they buy at the outset of the journey.  Since the relative obscurity of Capo's are virtually unknown to novice musicians, the only reasonable course of action is to buy one for DAdd tuning, one for DAaa, DAcc, AEaa, AEee, CGcc. (Oops, make it 7 dulcimers, CGgg.)  As you can tell this includes not only standard sized instruments, but those larger deeper body ones, known as Baritones.  It is not necessary to include Bass dulcimers or Ginger models as those I believe are reserved for those who have traveled further along the road less traveled.  This initital investment entails an expenditure of appx. $4,200.00, not including 3 packs of strings per instrument which will run you about another $150.00 with shipping.

2. While this might seem a bit outrageous to those unfamiliar with the necessity of being well equipped let me assure you this is the basic set up.  Now to this we must consider, music stands, dulcimer stands (Curley maple are best at $149.00), six beginner books, a high speed internet connection, top of the line TKL cases built to survive a late night brawl in any bar of your choosing........enter $1400.00 less shipping for an appx. total cash expenditure of $2,150.00 and change.  It is here that we discover the Capo and usually buy three  at $20.00 each.  But that is chicken feed and I don't consider that anything more than a basic expenditure and do not include it in the total cost of the muse.

3.  As one improves it becomes evident that history needs to have our skill preserved so we have to consider a recording studio.  It is of no concern that the only three tunes we can play are Old Joe Clark and Amazing Grace and the Battle Hymn of the Republic....these achievements must be preserved so cost is not a factor.........3 mics, two different software programs, 60 feet of cable, two amplifiers, a mixing board for subtle audio enhancements, two windscreens for the mics, the third mic does not require one since it is used only for playing with our 12 volt cube amplifier kept in the we bought in order to travel to various venues such as church potlucks, wedding receptions, flea markets, school presentations and if you keep playing in bars 5 nights a week, AA meetings.  This basic expenditure could run you over $35,000 depending upon the type of van you buy to haul it around in......I prefer a VW bus, you know the California Revival thing, but that is just a personal preference.

4.  Of course there are other expenditures involved that are more collateral in nature, such as group therapy sessions for obsessive compulsive restless strum syndrome, lawyer bills for a divorce after your spouse decides they have heard enough of your midnight practice sessions, hourly scanning of the newly listed Ebay dulcimers, weird dietary practices while you decide whether to adopt a Celtic diet, Mountain style/Virginia Country Ham enhanced version of Dr. Atkin's Quick Weight loss diet or the California Kale and Avocado Smoothie post revival Detox program.   Costs vary here, but I would think $12,000.00 is in the ball park.

5. Last but not least it is important to look good.  I found that clothing makes the man or woman as the case may add funds for Celtic T-Shirts, Dasheki's and Apple Seed beeds, Bib overalls, farm boots, sandals, misc. rings and '60's style leather Fisherman's Cap to go with the VW.  Hymn and Worship players add One Way T Shirts from the '70's, Western hats, sunglasses, etc.   Be creative.   I think $2,500.00 is fair........

6.  Now that I have learned 8 tunes, and been forgiven for playing Whiskey Before Breakfast at Ladies Missionary Union luncheon, ( I called it Candles before Communion, but was ratted out by a Lutheran) I am ready to move on to the next level.........historic reproductions and Roman glass noters.  It is indeed all about the journey and I am planning a Robin Clark appreciation pilgrimage for fall; Yes,the journey ..........I love it...........coool   Have fun!!!!  $56,000 is not too much, is it?


updated by @salt-springs: 03/24/16 04:53:56AM
Salt Springs
03/22/16 07:26:20PM
214 posts

Rookie Mistakes --

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

 Donald Depoy posted this statement when talking about noters awhile back............I wish I had read it years ago because it just cracked me up with its honesty and it is:

   An old banjo player and maker, Andrew F. Boarman from Hedgesville, WV once told me, "Don you can use anything as an excuse not to play well! Your picks! Your instrument setup!  The moon and stars! Just shut up and pick!"  Well that tells the story.  Going from this noter to that noter is just part of the interesting journey.  I won 10th place dulcimer at Galax a few years back.  I played a last minute borrowed dulcimer and pick from the guy in line in front of me. and the cap from a Bic ball point pen.  Imagine if I played my own dulcimer.  I may have place last.   It is what it is....


I suppose endless dulcimers, stands, possum boards, tab files etc. count too.

updated by @salt-springs: 03/22/16 07:27:25PM
Salt Springs
03/14/16 11:34:21PM
214 posts

Jessica Coumeau has some great instruction on how to avoid the clack on her video, How to play the Mountain dulcimer, that is posted under her profile.  Anyone can benefit from listening to her instruction, especially those of us who try to avoid the clatter and clutter that we usually get caught up in.   In my own experience, I have always tried to play using a guitar sort of methodology, which simply does not do the dulcimer justice.   Any way, check out Jessica's videos, you won't be sorry..........she is an amazing player and top notch musician.  It's all in the technique......and we are all still working to improve it.

Salt Springs
03/12/16 09:48:59PM
214 posts

I scored a Robert Mize dulcimer!! Have a question about the wood.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions


Just found Folkcraft's website where they have wood sample photo's under Dulcimer building supplies............John and Dan are on the money.........Sycamore.

updated by @salt-springs: 03/12/16 10:08:56PM
Salt Springs
03/10/16 03:02:51PM
214 posts

Mean Mary...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Great video.    MM is a top notch musician with mind boggling talent.   Thanks for reminding us of her work.............

Salt Springs
02/29/16 09:18:27PM
214 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Yup, that works............what I did with some of my Bansuri and NAF, was take the fabric,edge it and make a pocket on the front, roll the flute in it and tie with ribbon, I keep 4 or 5 Bansuri in a 4 inch PVC pipe.....if you are traveling to flea markets, fairs or whatever..the PVC pipe that is 4 inch is pretty hefty and will not let the flutes be damaged.   Two rubber fernco's without the bands seal then inside nicely.  Check out on of the big box home stores like Home Depot and don't forget there is also light weight pipe in the electrical section too that is used for conduit.

Salt Springs
02/29/16 03:21:47PM
214 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Terry................another option is to use pvc pipe with rubber end caps or pvc caps on on one end and rubber on the other......there are a number of types of pipe available of various diameters as well.  A plus is that pvc an be painted, decorated or have polished stone or arrow heads glued on them.   It can be drilled for moisture control too.



I also found that cheap flannel blankets with native designs can be bought on line at places like Crazy Crow trading etc., and if you are really creative you can cover the pipe with a native design fleece etc.  Have fun!

Salt Springs
02/15/16 11:37:02PM
214 posts

Mize dulcimer no.2407

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Just did a little digging and found out that many dulcimers from that era were set to play in DAA or CGG and with a noter.  The belief was that when a noter was used the tension on the strings would compensate for the flat ring.   You might check with John Huron at Noteworthy Instruments as he worked with Bob Mize...he can probably tell you  more about why the frets were set to sound flat at 7 and often times 1 than I can.  Since your question has got my curiosity up I'll keep looking around some of the back issues of DPN and see if I can figure it out.  I read a post a bit ago that said that every Mize dulcimer he ever played was flat on 1 and/or 7.

Update: I just found a thread on Everything Dulcimer that discusses this issue.........check out the posts under Robert Mize Authority?  From what I can discern the root note was tuned at the third fret with adjustments made for string gauge, bridge height and so on...........Robin Clark has written about this too.....when you figure it all out post what you have learned because old codgers like me are a little bit fuzzy on all this stuff.

updated by @salt-springs: 02/15/16 11:52:07PM
Salt Springs
02/14/16 06:29:28PM
214 posts

Hard Case Advice?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Check out Bill Berg's wooden hard

Salt Springs
01/28/16 09:48:16PM
214 posts

There is a pretty good article on this idea on Wikipedia under Pythagorean tuning with some sound samples..................if you can figure it out let me know....way to much for this boy...whew!  I'll stick with 440...though I have to wonder how some of those medieval tune that Jessica Coumeau plays would for me and my house Old Joe Clark is about as wild as it gets.   Might just drop her a note and see what she thinks............if anyone would know she would be at the top of my list as her wizardry on a dulcimer is something to behold.

Salt Springs
01/28/16 08:56:49PM
214 posts

 Hey Al, question for you: "Have you tried tuning with a tuner set at 432 mhz vice 440?   Checking some video near the link you posted above.........I've used it before and thought it was a bit about you?

Salt Springs
01/27/16 08:06:14AM
214 posts

Gaspe Reel - Canadian fiddle tune

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Sorry V., I'm not was just a link to a you tube video. ... like I had that kind of talent.............however, that is the tune from Victory Garden, the original.  There is another series of that show that uses an old Scot tune.   By the way, I wish I could play that button box like Pete Fletcher.

 Try version 1............I am going to delete the previous since I don't want anyone else to think I can play like Pete Fletcher....I can barely play a, Pete Fletcher ....Gaspe Reel, OK.

updated by @salt-springs: 01/27/16 08:52:32AM
Salt Springs
01/26/16 11:15:29AM
214 posts

Ken always knows his stuff and when I started playing years ago got me straightened out on the string tuning notation.  I was breaking strings like you and my problem was related to exactly what he was talking about.  Those J64 should work fine for you but since they are not and you have a tuner there are a couple of things you might want to check.   First, check to see what the calibration on your tuner is set it 440?  Second, try this tune your base string to where there is just enough tension to get a clear sound.  Not to floppy and not to tight.  Check and see what your note is with your tuner. Tune it to D.............middle string.........tune it to where it is making a clear note, again not to tight and not to loose.............check it and tune it to A...........when you get to the melody strings repeat the process and see what note they are playing.  This is where I was messing up when I started......I was trying to tune way beyond the d, going into an entirely different octave.

On the other hand, as Ken points out your fret board may require entirely different gauge strings because of its length......until you get it worked out I would tune CGc............of course that is your choice..............for me DAA and a noter or DAA and fancy finger hopping as I call it, is the way to go as a beginner and an advanced player. This link might help you.............

updated by @salt-springs: 01/27/16 09:49:53AM