Rookie Mistakes --
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
I do believe that the old adage that the journey of a thousand tunes begins with a single pick is true and I think it unfortunate that some ancient guy shamelessly swiped it, claimed it was an original thought and Philosophical Action Committee arranged to have it engraved in the mind of countless modern folk convincing them that it was about hiking. Every student of the Dulcimore knows, (thank you Dan) that original linguisitic terminology must be preserved as well as the wide variety of noters that have made their way into the urban Appalachian counter culture, only to be lost. For several years I have read the posts found on this website and have found that there has always been considerable information available to assist me in my journey of a thousand tunes. However, when it comes to advice to Rookies I have a .12 stainless steel string to pick. Bones for picking are acceptable, though they have a tendency to wear out far to quickly when on Saturday evenings, Guinness inspired high speed Flamenco tunes burst forth from the heart. Anyway, here is the string to pick....when I began my journey no one ever informed me off the tremendous financial burden learning to play the dulcimer would entail. Since Ms. Chitwood stirred my conscience with her discussion topic I have meditatively evaluated the cost of my muse over the last five or six years. Let me bring all of you up to speed in this regard.
1. It is imperative that a beginner carefully assess which six dulcimers they buy at the outset of the journey. Since the relative obscurity of Capo's are virtually unknown to novice musicians, the only reasonable course of action is to buy one for DAdd tuning, one for DAaa, DAcc, AEaa, AEee, CGcc. (Oops, make it 7 dulcimers, CGgg.) As you can tell this includes not only standard sized instruments, but those larger deeper body ones, known as Baritones. It is not necessary to include Bass dulcimers or Ginger models as those I believe are reserved for those who have traveled further along the road less traveled. This initital investment entails an expenditure of appx. $4,200.00, not including 3 packs of strings per instrument which will run you about another $150.00 with shipping.
2. While this might seem a bit outrageous to those unfamiliar with the necessity of being well equipped let me assure you this is the basic set up. Now to this we must consider, music stands, dulcimer stands (Curley maple are best at $149.00), six beginner books, a high speed internet connection, top of the line TKL cases built to survive a late night brawl in any bar of your choosing........enter $1400.00 less shipping for an appx. total cash expenditure of $2,150.00 and change. It is here that we discover the Capo and usually buy three at $20.00 each. But that is chicken feed and I don't consider that anything more than a basic expenditure and do not include it in the total cost of the muse.
3. As one improves it becomes evident that history needs to have our skill preserved so we have to consider a recording studio. It is of no concern that the only three tunes we can play are Old Joe Clark and Amazing Grace and the Battle Hymn of the Republic....these achievements must be preserved so cost is not a factor.........3 mics, two different software programs, 60 feet of cable, two amplifiers, a mixing board for subtle audio enhancements, two windscreens for the mics, the third mic does not require one since it is used only for playing with our 12 volt cube amplifier kept in the we bought in order to travel to various venues such as church potlucks, wedding receptions, flea markets, school presentations and if you keep playing in bars 5 nights a week, AA meetings. This basic expenditure could run you over $35,000 depending upon the type of van you buy to haul it around in......I prefer a VW bus, you know the California Revival thing, but that is just a personal preference.
4. Of course there are other expenditures involved that are more collateral in nature, such as group therapy sessions for obsessive compulsive restless strum syndrome, lawyer bills for a divorce after your spouse decides they have heard enough of your midnight practice sessions, hourly scanning of the newly listed Ebay dulcimers, weird dietary practices while you decide whether to adopt a Celtic diet, Mountain style/Virginia Country Ham enhanced version of Dr. Atkin's Quick Weight loss diet or the California Kale and Avocado Smoothie post revival Detox program. Costs vary here, but I would think $12,000.00 is in the ball park.
5. Last but not least it is important to look good. I found that clothing makes the man or woman as the case may add funds for Celtic T-Shirts, Dasheki's and Apple Seed beeds, Bib overalls, farm boots, sandals, misc. rings and '60's style leather Fisherman's Cap to go with the VW. Hymn and Worship players add One Way T Shirts from the '70's, Western hats, sunglasses, etc. Be creative. I think $2,500.00 is fair........
6. Now that I have learned 8 tunes, and been forgiven for playing Whiskey Before Breakfast at Ladies Missionary Union luncheon, ( I called it Candles before Communion, but was ratted out by a Lutheran) I am ready to move on to the next level.........historic reproductions and Roman glass noters. It is indeed all about the journey and I am planning a Robin Clark appreciation pilgrimage for fall; Yes,the journey ..........I love it...........
Have fun!!!! $56,000 is not too much, is it?
updated by @salt-springs: 03/24/16 04:53:56AM