Nice to see everyone again!!

Cheryl Johnson
Cheryl Johnson
12 years ago
43 posts

Can't wait to hear the Bear Meadow....especially with you playing it!!

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
12 years ago
96 posts

Yes, Robin! I should be in town for several months... it's supposedly finished and ready to be shipped. I'll post pictures when it arrives!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
12 years ago
1,472 posts
Wow, Guy, you gotta be home to take delivery of that Bear Meadow. I know it will be a beauty.
Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
12 years ago
96 posts
Yes, Carrie... I understand. Not matter how swamped I get playing music daily is not an option... It's mandatory for me. It keeps me sane and happy!Lol john! I'll have a new piece of eye candy next week: a Bear Meadow baby grand. And Dale is building me a new Aeolus mahogany baritone!!
John Henry
John Henry
12 years ago
258 posts

Always good to catch up with old friends ! ( friends !!! we have never even met !!! lol) Great to have you back amongst us Guy, still not sure about that dulcimer you play, why not send it over to me so as I can assess it first hand 3.gif ? Might take a year or three 39.gif

best wishes


Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
12 years ago
1,203 posts

Welcome back Guy.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
12 years ago
96 posts

Trip was good, very hectic but lovely. Then I came home to a LOT of work. Those are the times when I just can't get online as much. I really missed everyone though! How have you been Carrie? How's your playing going?

Guy Babusek
Guy Babusek
12 years ago
96 posts

Nice to be back on FOTMD! Looking through all the wonderful posts makes me so happy!!!

How is everyone doing?

updated by @guy-babusek: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM