Recognize this Dulcimer Model or Maker?

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
10 years ago
1,200 posts

Yeah, it does kind of favor a Galax, although all the Galax I've seen do not have a strum hollow. That's an interesting peg head design. I guess the builder was making sure he/she had enough space for six pegs.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
10 years ago
229 posts

Sure makes for a great conversation piece, ye guys!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

I see what you mean Ken. 

Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
10 years ago
420 posts

I don't think those are machine heads; I think they're just pegs stuck in the top of the headstock.  There are a couple pics in one of Ralph Lee Smith's books of that style peg.  I'll try to find them and see if any of them are similar.  It's a wide body, like a Galax.  So it may be (at least) a 1st cousin to one.  LOL.  I notice the Fender bag/cover behind it.  Is there a lot of musical stuff there?


Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
10 years ago
2,157 posts

Machine heads?  Those look like violin tuning pegs set from the top rather than the back...   Can't remember seeing that configuration of head and tuners for a six-string before.   It's certainly an Elliptical shape but doesn't appeer to be as deep as most Galax style dulcimers (3" or more).  As Rob says, -- can't tell much from one photo. 

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

It looks like 6 strings, maybe, because there are 6 machine heads. It looks like Galax to me, and there is a noter under the strings at the top. Also no 6+ fret. It's at an estate sale this weekend, so I don't know what they are asking, but it does sure look interesting. The people are moving to the beach, taking very little, and apparently not in love with the dulcimer, or never learned to play it...

Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
10 years ago
420 posts

How many strings does that thing have?  I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that.  Without looking at it and playing it, I'd be hard pressed to give a figure on what I'd give for it.  Sure does look interesting though.


Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Does anyone recognize this dulcimer, and if so, what’s a fair asking price? 

1.jpg  •  46KB

updated by @sheryl-st-clare: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM