playing 3 strings versus 4 ,for finger picking

9 years ago
64 posts

I don't mind the sound but it is awkward for finger picking.

Pamela Rossetti said:

I always play 3 strings or 4 not like double melody..the sound or the feel on my fingers.

9 years ago
64 posts

Thank you for your suggestion Mandy.

Mandy said:

I'd remove the one closest to the soundboard (the outermost string). I find myself using 3strings a lot now and I like it.
9 years ago
64 posts

Thank you for the suggestion Geekling.

Geekling said:

I find removing the inner melody string is best for noter playing, and makes the strings equidistant for fingerpicking. :-)
9 years ago
140 posts
I'd remove the one closest to the soundboard (the outermost string). I find myself using 3strings a lot now and I like it.
Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
9 years ago
420 posts

Measure between the bass string and the middle string. Use the same measure from the middle string to the melody strings and leave the one that's closest to that measure. As an alternative though, have you thought about 4 independent strings for fingerpicking? I love to use 4 strings tuned DAAd, DAdd, DAdc, DGGd, DGdd, DGdc, EAAd, etc. Gives you a lot of options.

9 years ago
64 posts

Thats a good idea Skip !!

Thanks for the tip Robert :)

robert schuler
robert schuler
9 years ago
254 posts
Dulcimers were always three stringed. Some designs had weak sounding melody and a double string was added. That became the norm. I always play with one melody. You can remove either one and see how it feels. You can always move the single melody into the open slot on the nut, whatever works... Bob.
9 years ago
365 posts

I loosen the inside one and pull it over the side, makes a spare if needed. This gives me an even spacing between strings.

9 years ago
64 posts

I am focusing more on finger picking, using both pick and bare fingers as i am learning celtic songs and finding that the 2 melody strings don't sound great. Which melody string would you recommend that I remove , the one on the outside or inside?


updated by @monica: 06/11/15 07:42:40AM