A Good Night of Jammin...

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts

Jim, we were at the shop a couple hours. Randall did a little shopping before he left and we did, too. Smile.gif (I love my Snark tuner and I got a neat jamming stool that Gary built.)

Yup, we've got to meet somewhere down the road. And get in some jamming. 3.gif 113.gif

Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts
Glad to see that you two got to meet. How long did he stick around? He's like a friend that you haven't seen for a while. Hope somtime down the road we can get together, Robin.

Robin Thompson said:

It was so neat to meet Randall! He, Gary Sager, Mark and I jammed for awhile upstairs at Gary's shop-- what fun. (I feel lucky to have gotten to jam with such good players!) Not only that, Randall took a couple of requests; talk about a beautiful, smooth baritone voice. . .

Mark took this picture before Gary got to the shop:


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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Hmm, I dunno, John. You and I have never seen one another. Grin.gif

John Henry said:

Sounds like a great meet Robin (now where have I seen a tee shirt similar to yours before..............LOL)


John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

Sounds like a great meet Robin (now where have I seen a tee shirt similar to yours before..............LOL)


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts

It was so neat to meet Randall! He, Gary Sager, Mark and I jammed for awhile upstairs at Gary's shop-- what fun. (I feel lucky to have gotten to jam with such good players!) Not only that, Randall took a couple of requests; talk about a beautiful, smooth baritone voice. . .

Mark took this picture before Gary got to the shop:


Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts
Hey Robin, when Randall gets there and after all is said and done.... make sure he has all his belongings together before he heads out. It'll save a lot of hastle....40.gif

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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
I learn a lot jamming! Makes me a better listener, I think. 3.gif I hope it does, anyway.5.gif Smile.gif
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts
I think we're two cats that just caught the mouse...LOL We had a great time. 3.gif

Robin Thompson said:

Great photo, Jim! You two guys look like you just got everything you'd circled in the Sears Wish Book for Christmas. 36.gif

Tomorrow it's mine and Mark's turn to meet Randall. 6.gif

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Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts
Glad to hear that Scott, I gotta brush up some more songs for then, too. 101.gif

Scott Allen said:

Very cool. I have more fun and learn more jammin' than anything else. I'm really looking forward to the September campout also.


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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts

Great photo, Jim! You two guys look like you just got everything you'd circled in the Sears Wish Book for Christmas. 36.gif

Tomorrow it's mine and Mark's turn to meet Randall. 6.gif

Scott Allen
Scott Allen
13 years ago
24 posts

Very cool. I have more fun and learn more jammin' than anything else. I'm really looking forward to the September campout also.


13 years ago
2,302 posts

Wow, that is so terrific !! I love it!

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts

Well I finally got to meet Randall McKinnon. We had a fun night of jammin and talking just about anything that came up. We went to dinner at the Cracker Barrel and then went to my house for a good couple hours of jammin. The real test came when the dogs came in to greet Randall. He passed their test, so Bev and I breathed a sigh of relief.18.gif We had a great time. It was really my first time at jammin with anyone and I was like a kid at Christmas. I can't wait for for the camp out in Sept. It's gonna be great...

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updated by @jim-fawcett: 06/11/15 07:27:28AM