Folkcraft FSH or CSH Measurement Help

6 years ago
509 posts
Thanks Greg, that information was exactly what I was hoping to get. I really appreciate it. I have a Craggy Mtn case for my FolkRoots baritone, so I am familiar with them, so it looks like getting another for this FSH or CSH will do the trick.

Richard, yes I agree, Richard Ash is wonderful to work with. In addition to the FolkRoots baritone, I also have a Folkcraft Custom....I just thought I could get a quick response here without bothering him. But, I appreciate your reply too.
6 years ago
143 posts

I have a CSH Folkcraft Dulcimer with flat peghead and three tuners/three equidistant strings.  It measures approximately 39 inches in total length.  I also have a McSpadden with the padded case that comes standard with a McSpadden purchase.  The Folkcraft CSH is about 3 to 4 inches too long for the McSpadden Case.  Folkcraft's case is 41 inches long.  McSpadden's case is only 36 inches long.

Bottom line, the standard Folkcraft CSH dulcimer will not fit into the McSpadden Case.  It looks like you won't be able to use the McSpadden case for your Folkcraft dulcimer purchase.

The Folkcraft CSH dulcimer does fit into a Craggy Mountain Brown Padded Case (available from Craggy Mountain for about $45.00 plus shipping).  The Craggy Mountain Case is a good quality case.  Folkcraft Padded Cases may be made in the USA by Folkcraft.  The McSpadden Padded Cases are made in Thailand these days, and the Craggy Mountain Case is made in China.


updated by @greg-gunner: 05/07/19 07:35:09PM
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
6 years ago
254 posts


If you don't get some responses, the Folkcraft folks are great to deal with. They will answer the phone or call back if you need to leave a message.

6 years ago
509 posts

I'm thinking of ordering a Folkcraft FSH or CSH in all hickory. I have a spare McSpadden case that I would like to use (I like the cases with the side walls better than the envelope style that comes with these Folkcraft models), but I need to know the overall length of either of these models (which have identical measurements) with a flat head. Can anyone provide that to me? I know the width measurements, that's no problem.

I would appreciate it, thanks!