What is “My Posts”

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,786 posts

@traildad, you're full of inspiration:

I went down to the orchards,

The most plentiful in all of the land.

But instead of basket of fruit

I just got a bucket full of sand.

Down at the local tavern

The barmaid carried pints in her hand.

But when she brought me my order,

It was only a bucket full of sand.

I got to play the Ol' Opry,

Joining Dolly Parton and her band.

But the roadie didn’t give me my Martin,

He handed me a bucket full of sand.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
5 years ago
89 posts


Traildad, I'm not sure exactly what you are meaning, but perhaps this prior discussion will help you:


@Strumelia Yes that does the trick also. Sorry for being a bucket full of sand. ;-)

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,786 posts

@traildad, remember, as is explained in the link that Strumelia posted, that you can choose to "follow" discussions both in the Forums and in the Groups, and then you can choose to receive an email notification when someone posts.  That way you don't need to check in to the site and look at "latest activity" to see if someone has added something. You can also choose to receive a notification when someone creates a new discussion in a Group to which you belong or in a Forum topic area that interests you.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 12/06/20 10:20:24PM
5 years ago
89 posts
@strumelia I wasn’t asking a question. I had found “my posts” and “new posts” for the forum posts but nothing like that for group posts. The group section doesn’t seem to be organized chronologically and I haven’t been sure it I had been seeing all new posts. I’m just not used to this system. I confirmed for myself that the “latest activity” shows both forum and groups activity. I’ve been wondering, but I figured I’d work it out myself eventually. I’m glad to know I’m looking in the right place. Thanks for the help.
5 years ago
2,317 posts

Traildad, I'm not sure exactly what you are meaning, but perhaps this prior discussion will help you:


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 12/06/20 07:31:06PM
5 years ago
89 posts

I think I’ve figured out that the “latest activity” section on the home page shows recent forum and group posts. It doesn’t show my group posts organized together but it helps me find the most recent group postings. I’ve been wondering where to look to catch up and make sure I’m not missing new group posts. 

5 years ago
89 posts

Ok maybe 35 years ago. ;-) my first computer was an Atari 520 st. The internet was just beginning. There were some forums, or I guess they were called bulletin boards or news groups back then. Same idea, slightly different email based format as I recall.  It seems like 40 years. Just ask Ken. ;-)

5 years ago
89 posts

Yes a little disoriented. I’m getting more familiar as I use it. I guess I imagined that groups were the same as discussions where different topics like “Instruments”, “playing and jamming” or “beginner players” and “fingerpicking” are organized. I guess technically the answer to my question was “no”. Assuming posts to groups are also called topics. I have been kind of looking at the screen with a confused look trying to understand why it seemed like things were in two different places. Now I understand. What can I say? Us old guys take a while. lol

5 years ago
2,317 posts

Traildad, Fotmd is a social network, which has more various areas of content than a typical php forum, while it's also more searchable with less marketing than most Facebook pages.

Our Forums section is for most general interest discussions, and you can search within the categories there. But say you are particularly into noter playing, or chromatic dulcimer playing, or building, or dulcimer history-  there may be a special interest focus Group for that interest area, where people with a particular passion can hold discussions specifically related to that interest.  Having Groups is a way of keeping in one place discussions and info related to that certain focus area. Think of a Group as a club rather than a forum. In this respect Groups are useful. Imagine a new member looking for help in TablEdit or microphones... they can find that help very quickly in our Technology Group rather than searching all over the site.
But the general Forums area is useful because the subjects are more likely to be of interest to the whole membership ... such as changing strings or identifying a mystery dulcimer or finding tab books. Or, just gabbing about something nice that happened to you yesterday, or what new tune you are working on. 

I hope that helps clarify a little more the difference between Groups (and their discussions) and the site's "Forums" area. FOTMD includes more than discussions and forums. Members have their own profile page with photo galleries, their videos and audio recordings, and events. Additionally, members can browse and search ALL the site's videos in one place, also all the site's photos and audios. Thus, you can go to a member's page to see that member's content and activity, but you can also go see ALL the photos, audios, or videos on the site in one central place by clicking on the top bar links.

When new members join, they are frequently disoriented by the many site areas and functions... and I understand that they might feel frustrated. I wouldn't want to write tutorials on every area and function here- it would simply take me way too long and few would want to slog through it. People tend to be impatient. But if they stick around and click around, they'll get a sense for how things are organized. Time makes things clearer.
I'll be the first to say FOTMD is not perfect by any means. More than anything else, it's meant to simply be an encouraging and safe place for beginner players to get help and make dulcimer friends. 

My curiosity compels me to ask- what forums were you participating in forty years ago?  I'm dying to know!  coffee2

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 10/04/20 04:25:34PM
5 years ago
89 posts

I’m not sure if that helps or if I more confused than ever. lol. Maybe there is a forum tutorial I should have read. What is the difference between forums and groups? I thought everything was posted in a group and you had to join the group first. Oh well. I’ve been on forums for forty years and I just haven’t seen this format before. I’ll get the hang of it eventually. :-)

5 years ago
2,317 posts

Note that the My Posts tab is on the Forums page. Thus, as you correctly guessed, it shows you which Forum discussions you have posted in.

The "Help me learn this song" group is a Group. Groups have their own discussions which are completely separate from our site discussion Forums.  There is no tab that specifically shows you what Group discussions you've been active on, however if you go to a Group that you are a member of, you can see the Group's list of discussions. When you see the 'subscribe' button next to a discussion that is Yellow, you have either posted in that discussion OR you clicked to subscribe to that group discussion. Note that if you post in a Group discussion, you will be automatically subscribed/following it (the button will be yellow to indicate this). You can always click the yellow button to turn OFF your following of that discussion if you no longer want to receive notifications of a new post in that discussion.

Additionally, on your Profile page, there are sections for "All Activity" (all your recent activity, including things you 'liked'), "Latest Group Discussions" (that you have participated in), and "Latest Forum Discussions" (that you have participated in).
The activity sections on your profile page show your activity as opposed to the general site activity of all members seen on the site's Main page.

Hope this helps.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
89 posts

Since I took the screen shot the list has updated with my activity. The list isn’t complete though. I’m not sure how many are missing but the one I posted in “Help me learn this song” is not listed. I’m sure there are others. 

5 years ago
2,317 posts


On the Forums Page there is a tab “My Posts”. When I click on it I get a page with a list of some topics. Is it supposed to be a list of all topics I’ve posted in or created? 


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
89 posts

On the Forums Page there is a tab “My Posts”. When I click on it I get a page with a list of some topics. Is it supposed to be a list of all topics I’ve posted in or created? Thanks.