3 years ago
87 posts

Beautiful job, Ken. Nina

3 years ago
509 posts

Ken, great job! I bet she's tickled. 

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 years ago
1,203 posts

Thanks Robin.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 years ago
1,472 posts

Nice work on the repair, @ken-longfield!  

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 years ago
1,203 posts

A friend of mine had an accident with her Simerman dulcimer and asked if I could repair it for her. Here are before and after photos. I learned that having lots of small sound holes make a repair of this type very difficult.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

DSCN0197.JPG  •  370KB

DSCN0203.JPG  •  344KB

4 years ago
191 posts

I have number 6 and I think it sounds wonderful!

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,203 posts

Paula, I can't answer your question. I have heard many of Kurt's dulcimers played but have no idea when they were made. All as I can say is that I have never encountered on of his dulcimers that I did not like. All played well, were well made, and sang a sweet song.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Paula Brawdy
Paula Brawdy
4 years ago
53 posts

I have a question on Simerman dulcimers.    i have heard his later models.    Are his early models say the first year he built, as good as the later models?