Thanks, Ken. I appreciate your sharing this information.
David Schnaufer
Thank you, Ken.
Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University still has a Folk Music department. Currently there are two instructors in fiddling but none on other folk instruments. There is no chair listed for the department. There also is a department of ethnomusicology.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
@don-grundy I'd be interested in learning what has become of the program there, too.
Does anyone know what happened to the dulcimer program at Vanderbilt?
Yes, Pluck is a must read book. My student gave me copy on Thursday night and Monday morning I was finished. I didn't think I'd like the lay-out but it was really good. Only wish a couple of people who have gone on since David could have been around to add some details. I've read parts of it several times and hope to re-read the whole soon. Get it; read it.
"PLUCK" is an amazing and unusual book. I obtained a copy and read through it with much interest and wonder. So many people, so many events being interwoven for David's entire life. Quite extraordinary.
@salt-springs I read Pluck and will re-read it sometime. I learned lots about David Schnaufer and other players, too!
On August 23, 2006 David Schnaufer, probably one of the greatest Dulcimer player ever, left us. I was thinking this morning that many new players may not realize the influence he had in making the dulcimer well known to both professional and amateur musicians. So many great players have gone on..........and by the way, Linda Paulus' book, PLUCK is a great should get a copy and reflect upon the musicians mentioned, some of whom are still around and members of FOTMD. (Thanks for doing what you continue to do!)
There have been so many...................