Seagull Merlin spruce- stain? Lacquer under soundhole?

3 years ago
11 posts

Not perfect pitch, very good relative pitch, though, thanks to voice training and barbershop singing!

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 years ago
1,203 posts

I don't know how involved you want to be in this project or how much you want to spend on it, but StewMac sells colored lacquers that do an excellent job. Here is a link:


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
3 years ago
2,157 posts

Stain and lacquer or varnish are not the same things.  Lacquer or varnish provide a protective covering, which is clear or slightly red-golden in color.  Stain just colors the wood -- make your spruce look dark like oak or red like cherry or brown like mahogany.  Unless you have perfect pitch or extremely sensitive instruments you will never hear an effect that such tretments will have on the sound (at least until the finish gets 1/16" deep!).  

3 years ago
11 posts

Thanks, John, Ill give that some thought. I didn't think of spray lacquer/stain. 

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
3 years ago
423 posts

Perhaps a light coat or two of spray lacquer, such as Deft Semi-Gloss.  It dries quickly, too.

3 years ago
11 posts

Good morning!

Mainly for wood protection, a little for aesthetics. It is the naked-est of all the instruments I own (guitar resembling).

updated by @alathea: 10/06/22 07:00:14AM
Matt Berg
Matt Berg
3 years ago
100 posts

Stain -why?  Lacquer, maybe, will lose some mellow in the tone.  Pick guard, maybe, stick on, no, mounted off the surface, possible, need to know how you plan to mount.

3 years ago
11 posts

I have a spruce Merlin and wonder if anyone has opinions on stain, partial lacquer, pick guard…yea/nay

it’s untreated, bare spruce. I know it might affect the sound a minute bit but I’m worried about damage over time. Sure I could buy another one- they are pretty inexpensive, but I’d like to avoid it. 
