Robin my cousin and her husband own the Lee's in Mt Sterling and it is alway nice, clean and good. We eat there alot I like it better than KFC.
Redneck tour bus
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Mandy go back and read my first Blog about the 1st Redneck farmers tour. You might get a laugh out of it.
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Carter is a Sweet little dog for dad, but dad is teaching him bad habits . Didn't go over good when Jim turned his head the other night and Carter helped himself to a bite from Jims plate on his lap. Not a good thing, glad Carter can move fast . lol
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,462 posts
Phil, I'm thinking Carter got caught in a sting operation.
phil said:
Carter sounds like a great little dog for you Dad. I have a feeling he was not stealing that fruit, but was invited to have some too.
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,462 posts
Woo-hoo-- another tour! I didn't know there were still any Lee's Famous Recipe places left.
Dana, seems like Carter is a helper dog for your dad! And he helps himself, too, to whatever he wants. I love dogs!
Hope you've gotten some time to re-charge your own batteries!
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Well the bus is getting ready to leave the station on another trip.
The group minus me and dad are heading up to Mt Sterling just 15mins up the road to eat at Lee's famous recipe and then to the Hee Haw Review. Dang and I'm missing it!LOL
OH well right now I'm watching dad on the vid monitor eating a plate of fresh pinapple(his and my favorite fruit)I just cut up for him.
Carter his little dog has gotten wise to me and when the door opens he jump down and under the bed where I can't get him to put him out.I just watched as he stole a piece of pineapple off dad's plate and back under the bed. Now that I'm out and back in the livingroom the little thief jumped back up on the bed and nosed his way under the covers. Dad loves that little dog to death and I think it goes the other way to.
Well the bus is pulling out, dad is loving on Carter and I get some down time. Hee Haw!
updated by @dana-r-mccall: 08/03/23 07:56:54AM