What happened to 6 photos I tried to upload yesterday?

Leo Kretzner
Leo Kretzner
5 years ago
36 posts

Hi Strumelia and Dusty,

Thanks for your responses!

I trust it will prove to be a one time glitch. I didn't know there was a limit of 6/day until I tried to add a 7th. It appeared on the list but was shaded. I wasn't able (or didn't try long enough) to remove it, so it being there when I tried to load the rest was probably the thing that did it.

I'll just retry them, and stop at five just to be on the safe side!

thanks again,


5 years ago
2,327 posts

Hi Leo!  Sorry to keep you waiting here for a response from me.

Dusty is correct when he said there is no 'approval' needed for images added by members.

There is however a limit of up to 6 images/photos per day to be added. The file size of your images should not be a problem since you describe them as being less than 1MB each.

There is a total limit of 200 images for each member. That's because I have to pay for the server here and if everyone added hundreds of photos I'd have to spend a lot more paying for a larger server to host all those photo albums. For that reason I avoid having FOTMD become an archive to host people's files, music, and photos.
For hundreds of photos, there are good sites that house photos online and then you could simply post a link here so FOTMD members could go see them on your site, as Dusty suggested. I'm sure your photos are wonderful and everyone here would enjoy them immensely!  You should consider uploading all your historic dulcimer photos to a site you control, where you can make certain albums public or private, and organize them as you like. Photobucket or Google Photos comes to mind, but I'm no expert.

I see that you posted a first photo successfully, and it's still there.  As Dusty suggests, you should post another photo or two to see if it works.  I think you have to post one at a time. Maybe once you hit the limit over 6 it aborted the whole group you were trying to upload. Your photos were not removed or restricted, except maybe because you were trying to upload more than 6 in a day. I can at least assure you that nobody deleted them.   :)   Thanks, and happy to have you here with us!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,775 posts

Leo, I don't think approvals are needed for photos.  I might be wrong, but I think photos normally appear immediately.  There was no delay on that first one you posted, was there?  My guess is there is some other tech snafu at play here.

Why not try re-posting one of the six that has disappeared? Let's see what happens.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Leo Kretzner
Leo Kretzner
5 years ago
36 posts

Thanks. Yeah I can imagine there being too much of a good thing (all at once). 

Maybe I'll do something like that and just post a few now and then on FotMD, highlights, w link, as you suggest. 

But just for info: Is it normal to wait a day or so for approval and appearance of pix?? Or, is it more likely it didn't work, in which case I could just try it again. (I didn't notice how long the dulci-dog picture took.) 

In any case, for now, I'll hold off and see what Strumelia says. Maybe she just hasn't had a chance to flick whatever magic switch is involved...

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,775 posts

Hi Leo,

Other than the first one, I don't see any evidence of photos you posted either. We'll have to wait for Strumelia to see if she has any more behind-the-scenes knowledge.

I won't go into details about why the 6-photo daily limit was instituted, but you can imagine what might have happened to justify that policy.  If you really want to upload dozens (or hundreds) of photos all at once, perhaps you could use Photobucket or some other cloud space and then link to them here.  Otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing a slow trickle of your photos over a period of time rather than a monsoon all at once.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Leo Kretzner
Leo Kretzner
5 years ago
36 posts

Hi All,

Perhaps this is more of a tech question than a forum discussion, but this seems the only way to ask a question. If there's a way to contact moderators and such I'm not seeing it. (But I'm a cyber-moron.)

I have many, many (hundreds of) historic photos of dulcimer and players, mostly from the 80s, including many makers and players no longer with us. I've spent hours and hours digitizing them with hopes of being able to share with people who will be interested.

I tried to upload several yesterday (8/4/20) up to the limit of 6 per day. Now I don't see any sign of them, either on my own pages or generally.

If they're still waiting approval, I understand that, but the fact I don't see them, nor any record of having submitted them, leads me to want to verify.

Also, at six per day, I could be uploading for a couple months. So I wonder if perhaps you really don't want people to post "too many" photos. I can always post them on my own site, but thought most folks here would find them interesting and I'm happy to share them. I'm not trying to hog or dominate the galleries, I just have a lot of interesting mountain dulcimer pictures to potentially share. 

These are high quality, edited images, showing not just historic makers and players, but covering the incredible range of variation in dulcimers, with many unusual instruments, details of soundholes, pegheads, inlays, and also pix of dulcimer precursors like sheitholts and the langleik. I have reduced all in size to 400 - 600 kb.

Please advise! Thank you,

Leo Kretzner

PS: I did start to add a seventh before getting the message there was a limit of 6. Did this perhaps invalidate the first six??