Group Discussions

Janene Millen

You've Got a Friend

An attempt of the feel of the original, when played on dulcimer. Folkcraft dulcimer.
@Janene Millen started last year - replies: 2
Cottage Timbre

Finger Board Replacement

Okay, the title says it all. I have acquired a older dulcimer (probably from a kit). It looks pretty good and sounds quite good except... there is...
@Cottage Timbre started last year - replies: 9

Medieval/Early performances on dulcimer

Over the past two summers I've been developing a repertoire of live performance at Renaissance faires in my area.  I performed with a couple of...
@StudentofRhythm started last year - replies: 0
Robin Thompson

Jean in the movie Next of Kin
@Robin Thompson started last year - replies: 6
Robin Thompson

Jean Ritchie with Rachel Anne Goodman

@Robin Thompson started last year - replies: 1

Antiques Roadshow 1800s dulcimer appraisal

Nice old 1800s dulcimer.  I think one would be very hard pressed to find a buyer to pay $3,000-5,000 for it though. Especially these days. I'm not...
@Strumelia started last year - replies: 1

Peg tuners

Installing and repairing peg tuners
@tonileewj started last year - replies: 31

History of Cigar Box Dulcimers

Hello folks I was wondering if anyone knows more about when cigar box dulcimers became popular, and if there are any really old ones. From what I...
@Nate started last year - replies: 21
Homer Ross

History of Tunes

In researching the orgin/history of tunes can someone direct me to a good and accurate source. The more sources the better.  
@Homer Ross started last year - replies: 4
Randy Adams

The Right Hand Never Lies

@Randy Adams started 2 years ago - replies: 1
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