Kendra Ward


Location: Bidwell, OH
Country: US

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Strings Attached Kevin R. dulcinina Salt Springs Dan Rev. Wayne McAllister Steven Berger Connie Pennington Geoff Black Glenda  Hubbard


youtube videos: 8

Turkey Quill Preparation

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:12:10
How to prepare a turkey quill to be used as a traditional dulcimer plectrum.
Strings Attached
05/26/24 11:45:03AM @strings-attached:

When you strum with the quill using a whipping motion, are you continually strumming both in and out?  I find that the quill catches when I try to strum out...? Help!

Strings Attached
05/13/24 06:10:57PM @strings-attached:

Thank you!  Very helpful, Kendra! 

Robert L. Porter, Jr.
06/08/19 02:06:18PM @robert-l-porter-jr:

Thanks for the info on preparing the turkey quill I have one that i am trying to learn to use. 


Kendra Ward
06/08/19 08:59:25AM @kendra-ward:


Hi Kendra, Did you cut the strumming end of the feather on an angle?  Does it matter? 

Yes, I did cut it on a little bit of an angle, but I don’t think it matters. After seeing Bobby Ratliff’s video, it makes sense to me to round the end gently with sandpaper like he did. 

06/08/19 07:55:45AM @dulcinina:

Hi Kendra, Did you cut the strumming end of the feather on an angle?  Does it matter? 

06/06/19 01:32:33PM @strumelia:

Wonderful video, Kendra!  thumbsup