Kendra Ward


Location: Bidwell, OH
Country: US

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Strings Attached RobMachin ChcknJ Kevin R. dulcinina Salt Springs Dan Rev. Wayne McAllister Steven Berger Connie Pennington Geoff Black Glenda  Hubbard


youtube videos: 8

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Kendra Ward

Galax Old Fiddlers Convention

I wanted to let everyone know that I won the Galax Old Fiddler’s...
@Kendra Ward 5 months ago - Comments: 5
Kendra Ward

Old Fiddler’s Convention dulcimer contest, Galax VA

I just love to play Galax style and I was lucky enough to win first...
@Kendra Ward 2 years ago - Comments: 4
Kendra Ward

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Here’s a great tune for St. Patrick’s Day! I was just so lucky to have...
@Kendra Ward 2 years ago - Comments: 0
Kendra Ward

Favorite Noter/Drone Tunes

Hello everyone.  What are some of your all time favorite noter/drone...
@Kendra Ward 2 years ago - Comments: 3
Kendra Ward

Shoes and Stockings

Here’s a fun noter/drone version of Shoes and Stockings! Hope you...
@Kendra Ward 3 years ago - Comments: 0
Kendra Ward

noter/drone videos

Hey ya'll, I hope it is OK to put this here? I've posted 3 new videos on...
@Kendra Ward 15 years ago - Comments: 9
Kendra Ward

Tunes and their modes

I am compiling a list of traditional mountain dulcimer tunes by the mode...
@Kendra Ward 15 years ago - Comments: 23
Kendra Ward

Dulcerinian Law

Hello ya'll,This is too funny and too good not to pass it on here.I had...
@Kendra Ward 15 years ago - Comments: 44
Kendra Ward

Are noter players troublemakers?

Hello,I am beginning to wonder if being a noter player makes me...
@Kendra Ward 15 years ago - Comments: 213
Kendra Ward

More on the Anne Grimes book

The Anne Grimes book will soon be available, in mid-July, I believe. I...
@Kendra Ward 15 years ago - Comments: 11

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Shoes and Stockings

Shoes and Stockings

@Kendra Ward
3 years ago - Comments: 6
Tell it to Jesus

Tell it to Jesus

@Kendra Ward
6 years ago - Comments: 4
Showers of Blessings

Showers of Blessings

@Kendra Ward
6 years ago - Comments: 2
Lillie’s Lullaby

Lillie’s Lullaby

@Kendra Ward
6 years ago - Comments: 3
Turkey Quill Preparation

Turkey Quill Preparation

@Kendra Ward
6 years ago - Comments: 6


09/30/19 10:28:39PM @strumelia:

Kendra, you are just posting comments on your own page here. It's kind of like talking to yourself.  Instead, you need to go to your items that were commented on, and reply to the comments there.

Kendra Ward
09/30/19 10:05:23PM @kendra-ward:

I’m pretty frustrated...😳 help...

Kendra Ward
09/30/19 10:02:02PM @kendra-ward:

I guess I don’t understand how things work...I supposedly have 23 comments on something’s I said but I can’t find the page or comments. It says page not found???? 


Help please

Kendra Ward
09/30/19 08:48:02AM @kendra-ward:

Hello all...I am going to post a video playing my grandmothers dulcimer which was made in 1892! The tune is called “Lillie’s Lullaby” which I wrote in her honor around 30 years ago...I will post the TAB for you to download as soon as I figure out you can play it too if you like the the tune...


Kendra...aka Dulcerina

Dana R. McCall
09/01/12 10:45:56PM @dana-r-mccall:

Kendra I told Anne that you had asked about her and sent you regards, she said to tell you thank you very much.:)

06/11/12 08:29:31AM @susie:


Just saw the Evart concert schedule....didn't see your name or Bob's on it. Also, didn't see either of you as instructors. Will you NOT be making it to Evart this year :( ? Will you be at Midland?

John Henry
10/07/11 11:47:15AM @john-henry:

Good to have the 'genuine article' in our midst Kendra. Are there any CD's /Videos of you which illustrate your backup techniques ? Although I have spent lots of time in English pub sessions using my HD as a back up tool, not once have I used MD for the same !

Wish I lived a bit nearer to you all, I would love to sit in and LEARN, even at the ripe old age of 78 ,lol

My very best wishes


Robin Clark
09/12/11 03:53:02AM @robin-clark:

Hi Kendra,

Thank you so much for answering my questions and for the video link. That courting dulcimer looks and sounds wonderful. That use of 1-3-5 for back up sounds perfect - you must show us all that technique in a video sometime.

I hope that you get around to writing your book on your family's musical history someday Smile.gif

Thanks again - Robin

Robin Clark
09/11/11 11:03:26AM @robin-clark:

Hi Kendra,

I've been watching your youtube clip of "Angeline the Baker" beautifully played on that lovely Galax dulcimer made by Bill Grueser and given to your father. You say in the video that your father showed Bill how to make dulcimers - is that Galax one of your family designs? And is there any chance that you could put up some photos of the instrument with a little about its history? It looks like a real "players" instrument.

Also, I see that you are usingall Asfor the tuning - Was that common in your family?

Finally, have you written any articles on your family's dulcimer playing history - I'd love to read about them.

Many thanks - Robin

Richard Streib
08/21/11 10:03:59PM @richard-streib:


Unichoi is November 16 thru 20.

If you go, maybe we can have a cup of coffee or tea and discuss noter playing.


Robin Thompson
06/28/11 04:26:31PM @robin-thompson:


I've got my fingers crossed that someday you'll put out recordings in which you play tunes on mountain dulcimer, tunes learned from your dad and grandmother.Smile.gif

Andy Beyer
02/23/11 10:12:28AM @andy-beyer:

Hi Kendra,

Seems like we were a lot younger when we started on this journey. I think that the first time I saw you perform, was in Columbus at the old armory with your folks, for one of the music shindigs. I think you were 10-12 at the time. That makes me "real old". Have always enjoyed your music, and I'm grateful that you share the old styles of mountain dulcimer with us. Grin.gif Grin.gif Grin.gif

Andy Beyer

11/15/10 11:09:47PM @strumelia:
Kendra, check your Inbox messages please.
Robin Thompson
10/19/10 10:50:41PM @robin-thompson:
Kendra,Mark and I are enjoying the cd!!! We'd love to learn to play Hangman's Reel but I don't know whether I can keep all the parts straight-- I'm doing good to keep AA, BB straight. Smile.gif
Bill S
04/26/10 04:58:08PM @bill-s:
Hi Kendra,I want to attend the Coshocton Dulcimer Days this year.Can you tell me when you might have a workshop schedule? All I can find on the site is the 2009 schedule.Bill
Kendra Ward
01/25/10 08:30:42PM @kendra-ward:
Thanks everyone for the welcome! We are going to be back at Unicoi again in Nov. That was a fun, fun festival!I hope to add some comments from time to time about the noter/drone style of playing. I have my grandma's dulcimer that was made in 1894 and my dad's first dulcimer he made in 1925 (plus about 20 or 30 others! whew! :-) Talk about collections, I collect it all!-just ask my husband. Everything in our house belongs to me . . . . hahahaha) But back on track, I truly believe in the noter/drone style. There is so much you can do with it that most folks just don't realize. It is what the dulcimer sounds like with the drone and slides, etc. I just love it!Thanks again everyone for the wonderful welcome and Strumelia, we are going to have to get together someday to play and talk about things!Kendra
Lil Plumer
01/25/10 06:56:48PM @lil-plumer:
Hi Kendra, glad to see you here. You really blew us away on the HD at Unicoi. What a treat to see you play (and talk to Bob, and Hammer all at the same time!) Welcome
01/25/10 12:58:53PM @strumelia:
Hi Kendra, welcome! :)
Bill Lewis
01/25/10 12:01:43PM @bill-lewis:
Welcome to FOTMD Kendra. :)
Rod Westerfield
01/25/10 11:42:09AM @rod-westerfield:
welcome Kendra...glad ya joined the family...looking forward to your input with ya background..