Noah Aikens


Location: Cookeville, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

DianeL Salt Springs Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington James Phillips Patty from Virginia Dusty Turtle Bing Futch Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson


Playlists: 2
youtube videos: 2
images: 12
videos: 8
audio tracks: 3

Cluck ol' hen

streams: 5
video file: 2.1MB, 00:00:49

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 11:00:12PM @cindy-stammich:

Wow great job there Noah! I love the banjo!Smile.gif

01/12/15 10:10:42PM @strumelia:

Well done young man.

Ken Backer
01/12/15 09:23:41PM @ken-backer:

Great, Noah. I love the enthusiasm of youth. Just pick up the instrument and play the darned thing.Grin.gif

Patty from Virginia
01/12/15 08:54:10PM @patty-from-virginia:

I agree with Cynthia. I can't wait to hear you 6 months from now. Thanks for sharing the banjo tab. I don't play banjo but maybe someday I'll learnSmile.gif

Lexie R Oakley
01/12/15 06:00:49PM @lexie-r-oakley:
Noah, you are fantastic, love how you get right in there and play. Going to love hearing more of your picking.
Cynthia Wigington
01/12/15 05:33:07PM @cynthia-wigington:
Noah, you're the only other person I know who is so excited when they get an instrument that they post a day later. Can't wait to hear you on that thing 6 months from now. You've got to do clawhammer, that's where the fun of it is.