Norm Williams


Location: Emmaus PA
Country: US

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youtube videos: 3
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Holy Manna (Bretheren We Have Met to Worship)

Holy Manna (Bretheren We Have Met to Worship)

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Norm Williams

streams: 75


From album released 10/01/2017
Norm Williams
02/16/18 11:26:43PM @norm-williams:

OOPS!  My bad Dusty - I actually have not tabbed out Holy Manna - just play it.  I think I learned in from Lynn McSpadden's book years ago. I had recently put up Hangman's Reel so thought you were referring to that tune... so many tunes, so little time ...sigh :-)

HolyManna53.jpg  •  53KB

Dusty Turtle
02/16/18 12:51:24PM @dusty:

Thanks for the tab, Norm.  But I have to point out that you posted Hangman's Reel instead of Holy Manna.  Glad to have it nonetheless.

Norm Williams
02/16/18 12:25:09PM @norm-williams:

Dusty Turtle:

This is a really nice rendition of this tune. I tabbed it out for my local dulcimer group, but I dare say you play it with a lot more feeling than I do.  Nice job!

Thanks Dusty - it's really all about the rhythm on this one.  Attached is my version that I tabbed out...

Dusty Turtle
02/16/18 10:42:52AM @dusty:

This is a really nice rendition of this tune. I tabbed it out for my local dulcimer group, but I dare say you play it with a lot more feeling than I do.  Nice job!

Norm Williams
02/16/18 07:45:46AM @norm-williams:

Cynthia Wigington:

Norm I love these sacred harp tunes and you did a beautiful heart-felt job with it. Nice pic of a church on your CD too.

Thank you Cynthia... I really appreciate it.  The picture is from a watercolor done by Pocono painter, John James specifically for the album.

Cynthia Wigington
02/16/18 06:59:46AM @cynthia-wigington:

Norm I love these sacred harp tunes and you did a beautiful heart-felt job with it. Nice pic of a church on your CD too.

Norm Williams
02/15/18 10:35:05PM @norm-williams:

Robin Thompson:

Nicely played and sung, Norm. 

Thanks Robin...

Robin Thompson
02/15/18 12:58:36PM @robin-thompson:

Nicely played and sung, Norm.