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AllCentral Texas - Waco area
There is a small group of musicians that meet monthly in West, TX. (10...
@Blondie 6 years ago - Comments: 2
Donating/Volunteering - is that a tax deduction?
I never really thought about this, but I donate/volunteer many hours...
@Blondie 8 years ago - Comments: 3
Looks like you have moved away from the West / Waco area, but I was wondering if you know of anyone there in that area that still plays old timey music.
Thanks, William
Hi Blondie,
Thank you for asking to be a "follower " . Really there is nothing to follow. I just play chords in Irish sessions I attend , with my wife. I don't read Tab or Sheet (Dots) music, even after all these years. As you will see from my profile I am just a little LAZY. I have been to a couple of workshops which were brilliant fun , - but oh oh did me brain hurt during and afterwards, perhaps because I realised that I knew nothing at the time and sometimes even less afterwards. Don't hold your breath for profound observations from me . I play because I have fun with friends and occasionally meet new ones , often because I am the only dulcimer player in sight.
P.S I have not written this much on here for years ,
Hi, Blondie! I love my Bloom bowed dulcimers. Though I have been full-time caregiver for my parents the past few years and do not get to play the bowed dulcimers, I really look forward to getting to make music with them again. The Pardessus model is very small-hands friendly. :)
Best wishes!
You never know! The used table did very well last year. We really look forward to seeing you there!
KMW is Kentucky Music Week in Bardstown, KY. The b minor flute is the one that generally goes best with dulcimers tuned in D (unless you are playing blues, in which case the d minor flute is has to do with the notes of the pentatonic scale). We'll have some High Spirits flutes at discounted prices at the event.
Just now saw your Arkansas question...yes I am!
Hi Blondie.Welcome to the most helpful site you'll ever find!
Nice to have you here, Blondie!
You know, I once built a beautiful teardrop dulcimer of maple and spruce, and named it "Miss Blondie"!
It was a real "looker"! Sad to say, I sold her a few years ago...
I was the one that inquired about this MD and thanks to everyone for their help and info. I just got an email from the people having the estate sale and they said this was on the instrument: "The dulcimer is from the Dulcimer Company in Fredericksburg, Texas. It is priced $125.00 and appears to be in excellent condition."
So I suppose I should go buy it?
Howdy and welcome to FOTMD!
Hi Blondie, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Welcome to FOTMD Blondie. Always good to have another Pennsylvanian on board.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Hey Blondie, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.
Welcome, Blondie, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome to FOTMD Blondie! How wonderful that your mother played several instruments and that you grew up hearing music.