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AllStaple Fret Design
I'm really curious about the width of the staple frets in pre-revival...
@Parker Buckley 11 years ago - Comments: 22
Relationship Among String Height, Intonation and "Zing"
In noter/drone playing, I'm curious about the effect of string height or...
@Parker Buckley 12 years ago - Comments: 34
Setting up and playing a Mize dulcimer
Hi All,I recently had the good fortune to buy a Mize dulcimer off eBay...
@Parker Buckley 12 years ago - Comments: 3
I'm wanting to improve my hammer-ons. Any tips or exercises anyone can...
@Parker Buckley 14 years ago - Comments: 15
I'm bought your DW dulcimer. It is remarkable! The pics did not do it justice, and the tone is right in the zone of sound that I really like. Part of me wants to ask, "Why in the world would you sell it?", but that's your business. I'll just say that it has gone to a good home. I'm a dulcimer teacher and performer, and I will not let this beautiful instrument sit still long enough to stand in a closet or hang on a wall.
If you are willing, I would like to know where you got it, and any other information you haveabout it would be appreciated. It's not crucial; but I like to be able to tell the stories of my instruments, when there are stories to tell. I'm familiar with Dulcimer Works, and have read about the company and its instruments online (including the post you made on Everything Dulcimer when you first bought this one!); but anything you could add would be great.
Thank you for your time, attention, and dulcimer.
Most likely, the next camp-out will show-up sometime next spring in the events listings here at FOTMD.
Hi, Parker! The "9/10/11" of the Noter & Drone camp-out was the official date of the camp-out. There were just a few of us who got together and camped-out and played music-- no workshops, no headliners. And it looks as though we'll have another, most likely in early September. Right now, it looks as though it will be held in the soutwestern quadrant of Ohio.
Okay, "comment on my own profile"....I'm guessing this is where I can thank you all for your warm welcome. I'm looking forward to spending more time here and hopefully I'll bring a little something to the party; questions if nothing else!
Hello and welcome to the FOTMD corner of the internet!
Welcome to FOTMD Parker, glad ya found us.
Hey Parker, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.