

Location: Belmont, NY
Country: US



My Latest Followers:

DianeL sleepingangel Salt Springs Kevin Burns Charles Thomas Lexie R Oakley Robin Thompson Strumelia


Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 1
images: 5
audio tracks: 9

Warriors, Battlefields, and Graveyards

Warriors, Battlefields, and Graveyards

style or instrument: McNally Grand Strumstick

musician/member name: Pine

streams: 39

05/31/16 01:44:52PM @pine:

Thanks for the kind words about "Sandstorm". I vented a lot of anger and frustration on that song. I agree with ya about the politicians. As for "Eve of Destruction", I loved that song too and it's cool that you were friends with Barry. I believe you and me are on the same page, Salt.

Salt Springs
05/30/16 03:12:06PM @salt-springs:

That is a must see and hear..............."Sandstorm" just moved to the top of the list.....Barry McGuire dropped me a note a few years ago when he updated his Eve of Destruction video on you tube...........he nailed it too.............but man I gotta tell ya, your up there among the best with that one.

Salt Springs
05/30/16 03:06:48PM @salt-springs:

You got that right.......and what gets my goat as much as anything else is that the big supporters of this stuff have never served a day.............and have no earthly idea what they are talking about............armchair heroics........I shuttin' up for now before I get wound up..............

05/30/16 02:18:17PM @pine:

Salt, I do know what you're talkin' about. Sometimes when I least expect it i'll see, hear, or smell something that takes my right back to RVN. I also remember the body bags and the guys who never got to see age 65 like me. Dyin' in WWII was all about fighting for freedom.. but Vietnam and this Middle East crap really makes me angry and disgusted with governments. They start the wars and it's the young folks that do the fightin' and the dyin'. Just thinkin' and talkin' about it gets me stirred up. I can't do much about it except write songs that ease my mind or share my feelings on the subject. It's not appropriate to post this song on this website as it's not dulcimer or flute, but here is a direct link to it on my personal website. It kinda sums up my feelings on the current Middle East mess. It's a free download for anyone who likes it and may want to share it. Thanks for understanding.

Salt Springs
05/30/16 01:58:07PM @salt-springs:

Pine.............I've sent some of your tunes on to other vets and will continue to do's always a tough day for lots of folks when we/they think back and your work helps.   I, like Dan G. and a host of others think about shipmates, airmen and grunts and the like.........the sorrow of families when I used to have to make those casualty calls.......or being on airstrips with a pile of rubble and and a recovery team............ah hell, you know what I'm talking about.   Thanks man.

05/30/16 12:09:04PM @pine:

I wrote this song on my McNally "Grand" strumstick tuned D-A-D. I did the drums with my fingers on my synth.

I used this as the soundtrack for my video honoring the fallen called "Arlington" posted on my homepage.

Thanks for listening.