

Location: Belmont, NY
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

DianeL sleepingangel Salt Springs Kevin Burns Charles Thomas Lexie R Oakley Robin Thompson Strumelia


Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 1
images: 5
audio tracks: 9



style or instrument: custom mountain dulcimer

musician/member name: Pine

streams: 32

05/13/18 11:50:34AM @strumelia:

Spring here in New York... good time to observe fawns.  smile

06/06/16 04:15:44PM @pine:

LMAO!! That's a GREAT photo Salt!! The one on top looks like he's sporting a devilish grin. Them 'possums is quite a bunch. I been bothered by marauding 'coons again of late. Two years ago, I live trapped 23 of them over that summer and relocated them all to a nearby huge state forest by the river. My chickens breathed a sigh of relief!

Salt Springs
06/06/16 04:08:21PM @salt-springs:

Pine,  I think that was on the money........ one of those tunes that sticks in the brain and I be like'n it.  Here's a pic of the great 'possum fight of 2011 on my back deck........try a tune for that event...........btw, most excellent  pic of the fawn.256

06/06/16 03:58:11PM @pine:

Well, it's that time again up here in the far northern Appalachians. Snapped this pic of a young Whitetail as his mom watched and listened cautiously from a nearby shadow. Played on my custom MD made by Harold Turner of Pickens, SC. Added strings from my synth, which I think I mixed in a bit too loud in hindsight. Hope you enjoy..ya gotta love the picture at least!
