What happens in Berea stays in Berea!
So true!
Yup John, that is what a close relative told the Judge............just before he went to Atlanta for a year or two. We still have the bookcase/birdhouse he made while visiting that fine city and the gated community the government provided.
It's fer BUILDIN', Kevin, not fer GUZZLIN'! Ye mix it up with Shlack flakes to make shellac.
Didn’t know a bottle of corn squeezins was a tool of the trade? just teasin.
What happens in Berea stays in Berea!
So true!
What happens in Berea stays in Berea!
Yup John, that is what a close relative told the Judge............just before he went to Atlanta for a year or two. We still have the bookcase/birdhouse he made while visiting that fine city and the gated community the government provided.
It's fer BUILDIN', Kevin, not fer GUZZLIN'! Ye mix it up with Shlack flakes to make shellac.
Didn’t know a bottle of corn squeezins was a tool of the trade?
just teasin.