St James Infirmary

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:43
Duration: 00:03:43
The narrator, Joe McKennedy, seems to be a jerk. His GF dies, which leads him to tell us how great he is and then plan his own funeral. Then we're back to let her go, I'm great, let's get drunk(er). Either that or (more likely) this is really two old tunes as a mashup and that's why the plot doesn't really hang together. I played it in a hotel stairwell to gain a bit of reverb and lose the AC noise in the room. I used to record as a hobby to give me something to do with my downtime while travelling for work. It's been several years with little travel and so few uploads. This tune needs work and I want to add a harmonica part. I'll do it again when I get back home.
Tom, this is a song I have told Mark we need to learn yet we never have. I like what you do with it on mountain dulcimer and think this is one of those songs tailor-made for a lonesome-sounding harmonica part.
I have a drum loop running through earbuds in an unsuccessful attempt to stay right on the beat.