Hi Andy ~ Thanks for the friend request, would be lovely to meet up sometime. Nick
08/29/10 09:22:03PM @robin-thompson:
Hey, Andy, it's good to see you here! (Just got an email from Jane today and saw it went your way, too. She's hitched. )
08/29/10 04:03:59PM @bill-lewis:
Welcome to FOTMD Andy.
08/29/10 01:25:56PM @rod-westerfield:
welcome Carl glad ya joined the FOTMD family..
08/29/10 12:35:39PM @strumelia:
It's nice to have you here, Andy!
Hi Andy ~ Thanks for the friend request, would be lovely to meet up sometime. Nick
Hey, Andy, it's good to see you here! (Just got an email from Jane today and saw it went your way, too. She's hitched.
Welcome to FOTMD Andy.
welcome Carl glad ya joined the FOTMD family..
It's nice to have you here, Andy!