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@Strumelia 10 years ago - Comments: 0
What unusual woods have you tried?
There are several species I prefer to use and i can usually have...
@Doug Berch 15 years ago - Comments: 24
I thought it would be interesting to discuss the various finishes and...
@Doug Berch 16 years ago - Comments: 16
Hey Doug, just stopping by to say "hello". Saw you at Evart and Midland last year, and my sister bought one of your dulcimers. With all my instruments, I'm having a hard time justfying one of yours, but Iwould love to have one. I visit Elderlys way too often. Just got into uke, as a matter of fact. Elderly's is my downfall. Susie
Good morning Doug,You were up late or up early last night!I am very happy that we are friends!Looking forward to seeing you again sometime soon-Kendra
Het Doug! I've been reading your blogs on Facebook - but an not well acquainted with how it works - I'm still mostly using e-mail, but gaining skills. Stay warm - Happy New Year!
That's because you have courage to play it un-traditional as well as traditional. Takes some courage indeed! And, I applaud you.
Hi Doug... I met you at Mountain Dulcimer week in Cullowhee... I love your courage with the dulcimer...
Welcome Doug, Nice looking Dulcimers, also you may want to check out our little corner for Mich players.Bill