Scottish. Bad guitar player. Not sure how to use a pick :)
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AllRed Kite Dulcimer - Bird Rock Dulcimers - anyone play one?
I am all for supporting local businesses, but can’t find any video of...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 7
Expensive hobby in the UK. Looks like I'm buying a lathe :D
My wife needs custom noters, owing to us being old and arthritic. I...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 12
Kindle Dulcimer tab Books by Jeffrey Lambert
Just found these on Kindle. I needed new noter music, now that my...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 2
Looks like we’re joining the noter group.
Owing to arthritis, my wife needs a noter which means I am also...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 11
Buying my wife a Dulcimer - string gauges question
My wife has watched me learn the mountain dulcimer for the last week...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 4
Do I need that fourth string?
Jessica Comeau says in her Dulcimer Lesson 1 to take it off, so I did....
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 32
How thick are a nickel and a dime? Action height question.
I have never seen a nickel or a dime, sorry. I need to fix the action...
@ConnorC 5 years ago - Comments: 4
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Posted: Tuesday June 9 2020, 11:00 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle
By: @Dusty Turtle
Interesting. I've been a Steeleye Span fan since about 1972-3. My first album of theirs was "Below the Salt." Didn't notice 'til much, much later that Tim Hart played the dulcimer on it. He played it on a lot of their work. I didn't discover Nicholson until after his death. Kinda bummed me out that he was gone. Even tho' I'd been a finger picker for years I started playing more and more in his style and using dulcimers with no "extra" frets. l was able to contact his daughter and widow and get permission from them to use his material in my teaching. Well, glad your enjoy his music; now let's get off here and play!
Welcome, ConnorC, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. There's quite a "tradition" of fingerpicked dulcimer in the UK. I'm sure you know of the late Roger Nicholson. If you don't check out his stuff! Hope you enjoy it here.
Hi Connor, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Hey Connor, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.
Welcome ConnorC to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a great place to ask questions and to learn. Join in the discussions and make many dulcimer friends. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.
Welcome to FOTMD ConnorC. It is good to have you aboard. I look forward to your participation in these discussions.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."