David Beede


Location: Melrose, FL
Country: US

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"Two Seeds" gourd banjo song by David Beede

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:03:36
This is a project I did with Julie Johnson's (my wife's) first grade class. They sing on the chorus and illustrated it with masterful drawings. I call it a "metaphor wrapped in a riddle."
Ben Barr Jr
09/15/12 07:31:11AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:
Nice. Thanks for sharing.
David Beede
08/20/12 07:11:20AM @david-beede:

Thanks for your kind words Strumelia. It was huge fun to do with the kids. I did learn that the "riddle" of the song was over most of the kids heads, when one of them gasped and pointed at the gourd-jo and exclaimed "We're singing about THAT!" This was near the end of the year and we had sung it maybe 50 times. Then I took a vote and over half didn't know either. Ah... developmental stages and all that.

I just got back from my annual pilgrimage to SummerSongs - a song writing camp at the Ashokan Center in Olivebridge NY. I'm guessing 50ish miles from you? I got to teach a workshop on song writing on mountain dulcimer. Big fun...best... David

08/19/12 11:13:40AM @strumelia:

I just saw this today- David, it's just wonderful!

Never heard a song that was so exciting and perfect for playing/singing with children, and the gourd banjo connection is the icing on the cake. Fabulous .

11/11/09 06:32:40PM @foggers:
That is excellent stuff. I love to see and hear children enjoying music. What a great result for everyone's contributions. I shall look forward to the dulcimer project video now!
Robin Thompson
11/08/09 08:03:16PM @robin-thompson:
Wonderful. Thanks for the posting, David.
Randy Adams
10/30/09 09:31:06PM @randy-adams:
Nice sounding banjo David, nice playing & the song moves even this old jaded hard-hearted sob'es heart....f'real
David Beede
10/30/09 05:13:16PM @david-beede:
Thanks Bill, it was one of the most fun collaborations I've ever done. I'm working on another one with her class this year... this time a dulcimer tune.
Bill Lewis
10/30/09 02:45:16PM @bill-lewis:
That's cool David thanks.