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AllOld dulcimer tuning dissatisfaction
I've explained this before and got blank stares so... Get bridge...
@Randy Adams 3 years ago - Comments: 5
Tune It Up Buttercup
Ever see those videos where random pieces laid on a table top when with...
@Randy Adams 3 years ago - Comments: 14
gettin in the groove
Everyone's heard that saying huh?....ya know.....musicians concentrate...
@Randy Adams 16 years ago - Comments: 6
A Bump in the Road
When I started playing the noter way I had trouble getting over the...
@Randy Adams 9 years ago - Comments: 2
Staple Frets
I can't find any ready made staples so am making some. Will black...
@Randy Adams 13 years ago - Comments: 9
Other Than Equal Temperament
Robin Clark has posted a thread about mean temperament and just...
@Randy Adams 10 years ago - Comments: 14
Slot Head
Wonder why I've never seen a slot head dulcimer? Seems as if there are...
@Randy Adams 11 years ago - Comments: 11
Lily Dale
Carl Anderton is a great banjo player who plays the old minstrel...
@Randy Adams 12 years ago - Comments: 8
Year of Jubilo / Kingdom Coming
What a good new group. We were needing something new to talk about....
@Randy Adams 12 years ago - Comments: 5
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AllPuncheon Floor
By: @Randy Adams
Your Dulcimer Audience
By: @Robin Thompson
By: @Mr. Woolery
If You Don't Somebody Else Will
By: @Robin Thompson
Dulcimerville Euphoria
By: @John Keane
John Hartford
By: @john p
Muscle Memory?
By: @Paul Certo
Nashville Skyline Rag
Bob Dylan wrote this one I learned it from a Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs record I bought in the early 70's
Randy, I read your note to the guitar player in the house-- Markie & I are both tickled you like the record! Your music and approach to music have influenced me lots and we're honored you played Quittin' Time and let us use it. Hugs!
Randy ,I tried to send a PM ,but, you are not following me so I couldn't . You have been putting up some real good stuff lately ,and I was wondering if I could put a couple on my website. Thanks Kevin. Keep putting out the good music.
Thanks again, Randy, for the comment about Quittin' Time at Essex Mine. Mark's guitar really makes the tune-- he's so good at putting together accompaniment! And I can blame you for keeping this 3 time thing alive in my head. lol
You got that right. I wish you lived a little closer so we could have the time to jam and learn a bunch of new stuff from you. You are an awesome player and it's my honor to know ya!!!!
Randy, those recordings with Aunt Jo are wonderful! What a sweet swing she had in her playing. The joy you both found in the music comes through beautifully. Cheers, John.
Hi Randy,Are those wonderful recording of you and Aunt Jo posted in a Forum or Group thead somewhere here on FOTMD. I'd love to read the story behind them.
That's something that you only met once and got to share music. How good it is you've got the recordings! I love the music.
Randy, those tunes with your Aunt Jo are priceless! I flat love 'em! Is your Aunt Jo still living? What influence did she (or other family members) have on your music?
Here's a link, Randy, to the cd we learned "Only Remembered" off of: http://www.amazon.com/Third-Annual-Farewell-Reunion-Seeger/dp/B0000002LU I checked and even though the cd is unavailable, the sound sample for the song plays.
Randy, I appreciate your comments about "Only Remembered". Mark said he'd like to cut in some guitar (lead) on the break-- and it needs it for when I hop on harmony-- but he wasn't doing it this afternoon, so I uploaded the song anyway.Though any vocals from me always need work, I'm having all kinds of fun with this lap fiddle. Might even get good at it someday!
Hi Randy,Glad you liked them. The first tunes is actually Norwegian (though it sounds very Irish) and the one in the middle is Flemish.Nick
I appreciate the comment about Soldier's Joy, Randy. I purposely slowed the tune so I could use the fat felt pick to play it to get that "flat-footing" sound. It didn't turn out too bad.
Randy,Here's a banjo version with Adam Hurt: I've got it on Tom, Brad, and Alice's cd Carve that Possum . Their version is really nice.
Randy,Do you play Glory in the Meetinghouse on any of your instruments? If so, would you put it on your list of tunes to record and post? Please?

That was a really nice thing to say about my over-sized fiddle, Randy. I deleted the tune just a bit ago here on FOTMD because I'm not satisfied with how "Goin' to Boston" came out. Been working on trying to record it again for my ezFolk page so I can replace what I've got there with, I hope, something better. Though bowing is not easy, it sure is fun!