Ethan Chastain


Location: Smyrna, TN
Country: USA

My Latest Followers:

RobMachin DavisJames chadritchie Sue MacKenzie - ADK Friends cairney IRENE Mill Branch Dulcimores Dan Kevin Burns Cynthia Wigington Gregg Schneeman Gary Major Christine Shoemaker Steven Berger Pierre-Yves Donnio Jan Potts Erin Mae Dusty Turtle Ken Longfield Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 10
images: 9
audio tracks: 1

Nothing But The Blood of Jesus

Nothing But The Blood of Jesus

style or instrument:

musician/member name:

streams: 34

Ethan Chastain
07/30/17 08:09:49AM @ethan-chastain:

Hi Cynthia,

Thank you for the kind words.  This recording captured an honest moment with our Creator surrounded by His creation.  

Glad you enjoyed it : )





Cynthia Wigington:

Ethan this was so sparsely beautiful. You can congratulate yourself on being the first person to get this old guitar player to fingerpick a dulcimer. You have a lovely style, and I'm going to adopt it.

Cynthia Wigington
07/30/17 07:40:43AM @cynthia-wigington:

Ethan this was so sparsely beautiful. You can congratulate yourself on being the first person to get this old guitar player to fingerpick a dulcimer. You have a lovely style, and I'm going to adopt it.