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Thanks for checking in! As I expected, it's a steep learning curve but ever so slowly my left hand is becoming slightly more competent :)
Good morning Ethan, thank you for the friend request, and the exta photos of the Ledford. Like Dana, I would love to own one, the nearest I have got to it so far is to bring one back from the dead, so to speak, a friend purchased it looking like Charlie Chaplins boot, but I managed to get it decent, and have posted a video here of me playing a 'Tune for Dana' on it. (please do not encourage her to buy more dulcimers, think of her dependants, LOL)
best wishes
That's ok Ethan no one much wants to sell them but every now and then one comes along. Like I said before though" usually a day late and a dollar short for me." LOL
Thanks Ethan, I'm a gonna have me one, one of these days till then I'll just have to look at yours and wish. LOL I live in Winchester and am friends with Homers wife Colista she is a very sweet woman. Seems like every time one comes up for sale I'm always broke. Could be because I keep buying dulcimers. You ever decide to sell(LOL) keep me in mind.

It was good to see you. I knew I'd seen you before but want' sure exactly where orhow. Good to know you will be back at Mike's. Great place to be.
We stayed at our cabin the night of the storms. It was a little hairy up on the mountain but we did okay. When we got back to KY our neighbors didn't fair as well. One of the neighbors had a tree fall on his bass boat and his car. Both were a total loss. He also had just replaced his roof with metal and the tree got part of that. They were all okay. Hope you made it back home without any problems. Maybe if you get a chance I'll see you at Cumberland Gap if the weather isn't too bad. Take care.