Forum Activity for @kevin-messenger

Kevin Messenger
06/26/15 09:48:55PM
85 posts

Only in West Virginia?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Jim also has them at the Tamarack, near Beckly.


Kevin Messenger
06/26/15 08:40:36PM
85 posts

Do You Have A 'Go To' or Favorite Dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

 Everytime I build one I have a new favorite. But I don't usually get to play them long.


Kevin Messenger
06/03/15 07:40:15PM
85 posts

Yes I agree with Rob, looks like one of the Korean imports of the 70's and 80's . I believe one of the brand names were Hondo. Washburn sold some dulcimers also that they probably had made by the same company. I have heard that with a little bridge work that they will play very well.

Kevin Messenger
05/25/15 05:57:34PM
85 posts

Just squeeze the ball with a pair of pliers and they will crack right in two.

Kevin Messenger
05/17/15 10:47:30PM
85 posts

Richard and Pamela Wilson. They built many dulcimers. There are several discussions on here about him. Here is a link to one. He is also on FB

updated by @kevin-messenger: 02/14/16 06:40:21AM
Kevin Messenger
05/07/15 08:11:17PM
85 posts

Interesting Dulcimer on ebay

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Scott, looks like a church dulcimer, many had this shape and were 6 string, deep bodies. They were also set up as many baritone dulcimers were , with a little heavier strings. for instance 12 12 12 18 25 35. Not saying this one could use that string set up ,but, it looks like a church style dulcimer to me.

Kevin Messenger
03/28/15 11:40:36PM
85 posts

Hello and a little info

OFF TOPIC discussions

You will be in our thoughts and prayers Dana. God bless.. Kevin.

Kevin Messenger
03/01/15 08:10:07PM
85 posts

I have to agree completely with Ken on this one. Look for something else, not worth the trouble.

Kevin Messenger
01/22/15 07:50:55PM
85 posts

Yep John Henry another fine way to repair this type crack.

Kevin Messenger
01/22/15 07:31:19PM
85 posts

No no gorilla glue! Repairing this type of crack is the same as repairing sound hole cracks in violins. It requires fitting small cleats to the underside to stabilize the crack and prevent it from spreading. The size and thickness of these cleats is very important to to preserve the sound of the instrument. Like I stated its an easy fix ,but, needs done in the proper way.

God luck with your dulcimer. Kevin....

Kevin Messenger
01/22/15 12:01:15PM
85 posts

No need to tetire the Jeffreys, a sound hole crack is easily fixed. If you can't find someone local let me know, I would be happy to help you out.

Kevin Messenger
10/02/14 10:26:40PM
85 posts

1980 Rabbit Junction Dulcimer Festival.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Was just told Robert Force is on the right looking at the picture. Hei just below and to the right of the guy in orange t -shirt and blue shorts. This cool hope we can name some more.

Kevin Messenger
10/02/14 09:43:08PM
85 posts

1980 Rabbit Junction Dulcimer Festival.

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Gregg, I thought this was a cool picture and there would be some who recognized a few folks. Thanks for posting some of the names. Maybe a reunion of some of these folks could happen.

Kevin Messenger
06/15/14 12:26:14AM
85 posts

Brian, Ken gave you good information, use it. All calculations are done from the nut, therefore fret position needs to be measured from the nut. Sometimes even when we use a fret calculator, the bridge placement will be given as a plus or minus measurement, therefore if you measure from the bridge your fret placement. Even if you measurement might from the bridge to your first fret may only be off by a few thousandth's of a inch, you could be off by several thousandth's by the time you place that last fret near the nut.

Kevin Messenger
03/01/14 10:08:36PM
85 posts

An short Video of my Baritone Dulcimer

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil , that sounded great. Didn't know you were a finger picker.

Nicely done.

Kevin Messenger
01/07/14 09:49:39PM
85 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil this is really sad news, Know that it is a blessing that you all are all right. If I can do anything let me know.

Kevin Messenger
11/19/13 09:20:52PM
85 posts

Advice starting a website

OFF TOPIC discussions

Very nice start Dusty, you have been busy. I will continue to check on your progress. At some point if you want I can put a link to your page on my site. Never know maybe someone from your area might find you that way.

Kevin Messenger
11/19/13 07:11:36PM
85 posts

Advice starting a website

OFF TOPIC discussions

Dusty, I use , They are very reasonable and have great customer support. You have full control over designing your site, and for me to be able to build a site was something I never thought I could do. Check them out.

Kevin Messenger
12/19/13 07:44:13PM
85 posts

Look Who Came to Visit!!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Merry Christmas to all of you at the shop. Can't wait to come visit again.

Kevin Messenger
11/21/13 09:04:20PM
85 posts

Look Who Came to Visit!!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks everyone, it was a short visit, but , a good one. we went to my shop and talked dulcimers . Swap some stories and then John was on his way. Terry I do believe you are right ,I just looked at your picture up close, Hey my long lost brother.

Kevin Messenger
11/18/13 06:03:33PM
85 posts

Look Who Came to Visit!!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Peter, it is amazing how big that dulcimer is. 8' long.

Kevin Messenger
11/18/13 04:25:26PM
85 posts

Look Who Came to Visit!!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

John Knopf was in the area ,on vacation and, decided to make a stop to visit. It was great to get to meet him and chat about dulcimer making. He said he is going to Berrea, Hindman, and the museum of Appalachia before heading back to Detroit. Thanks to John for bringing Uncle Eddie along. Wow ain't it huge. I just had to get the picture of my little guy next to his.

updated by @kevin-messenger: 06/11/15 07:39:26AM
Kevin Messenger
11/15/13 07:07:35PM
85 posts

Kratz Zither done

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Diane and Ken. Most know I am not really a player,but, a builder, I will try to get a player to try it out so we can see it's potential .

Kevin Messenger
11/14/13 09:41:01PM
85 posts

Kratz Zither done

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Patty , it might be a bit too full I have to work on the recording to see if matering it will help to improve the sound. I doesn't seem to be so overpowering while playing it.

Kevin Messenger
11/14/13 08:06:23PM
85 posts

Kratz Zither done

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I have finished my Kratz Zither ,and decided I would try and record a sound sample. It is tuned DAAAAD and it rings really well. I am not sure the recording does it justice, but, I'm still trying. OldJoe%20Clark%20%28New%29.mp3

updated by @kevin-messenger: 02/20/19 03:44:43PM
Kevin Messenger
11/08/13 11:46:25PM
85 posts

Your "Dream Dulcimer?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Im with Ken, I pretty much build what I want, but, I would love to someday find an Original Prichard. And I must say I would love to someday build a dream dulcimer from someones ideas of what they want. Thats why I build them so others can enjoy them.

Kevin Messenger
08/08/13 06:09:47PM
85 posts

Opinions on new dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Gail, I am the Kevin Messenger that these kind folks have mentioned above. And thanks guys for the mention. I myself believe that build design, set up , and string selection ha much to do with the tonal outcome of the instrument. I build mainly with poplar ,like a lot of the early builders did. I like the earthy tone of poplar. I use piano wire strings, that I make myself, the seem to have a brighter sound, more sustain, and just ring like a bell. Robin Clark a member here has many audio, and video files ,of him playing one of my Prichard reproductions. Take a listen and see if this is the sound you are looking for. The instrument has quite a range. You can also take a look on my website , and look at some of my instruments. Thanks again for the mention guys.


Kevin Messenger
06/24/13 12:44:51PM
85 posts

Siggie, Sounds like someone may have reversed the nut and bridge. I wonder when it was strung up if they put the nut where the bridge was supposed to be and vise versa. You might want to loosen the strings and if the nut and bridge are the same width , reverse them and retune . See if that changes things. Just a thought, I had someone bring me one that was done that way, it was an easy fix.

Kevin Messenger
04/10/13 07:21:02PM
85 posts

Lawrence, It looks to me like a Jethro Ambergy, a KY builder. Or a very nice copy of one. Everything ,but, the pegs look right. How about some measurements. Lower bout,upper bout ,waist ,body hieght and overall lengeth. Thanks Kevin.

Kevin Messenger
02/26/13 09:45:25PM
85 posts

wood dulcimer cases

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks ken. John P I ordered a suitcase like handle ,but. it has yet to arrive, I will see if I can make it work once it gets here.

Kevin Messenger
02/26/13 08:12:40PM
85 posts

wood dulcimer cases

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I just thought I would show you all my new case. I build dulcimrs to sell ,and when going to gatherings I need to carry a lot of dulcimers. This one holds two.

Kevin Messenger
12/30/12 11:15:45PM
85 posts

I think I'm In trouble here! Bought yet another dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Careful there Mandy, the other instruments may get a little jealous and wont come out and play anymore. It's great to see someone enjoying music this much.

Kevin Messenger
11/15/12 08:09:17PM
85 posts

I have seen a bunch of McSpaddens on craiglist lately . 150 to 175.

Kevin Messenger
11/13/12 07:40:25PM
85 posts

Happier than a Hog in Slop!

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Man why can't i find these deals. Great job Dana, looking forward to seeing your Ledford. Kevin.

Kevin Messenger
10/23/12 11:10:57PM
85 posts

I agree with strumelia. It is very interresting that it has full frets, bt, set up to play noter drone.

Kevin Messenger
10/23/12 10:28:05PM
85 posts

If you look at the frets , they look to be full staples, as opposed to newer frets. I hope to get a look at this dulcimer soon.

Kevin Messenger
10/22/12 06:02:26PM
85 posts

Joanna, I believe you have a dulcimer that was copied from a C.N.Prichard Dulcimer. Or perhaps one made buy his brother John. Also it is said that his father in law possibly made dulcimers. I make a reproduction of the Prichard dulcimer, which you can see on my page here. This dulcimer was definitly influenced by the Prichard dulcimer,as it so closely resembles it. I would be interested to see what research will turn up about this dulcimer. I would love to be able to look at this dulcimer up close. There are even more to be seen or not seen on the inside of a dulcimer as there is outside. I live in Bruceton Mills ,WV and would love to have the chance to inspect this instrument. Thanks for sharing, Kevin Messenger.

updated by @kevin-messenger: 02/02/16 01:38:21PM