Forum Activity for @richard-streib

Richard Streib
04/08/21 01:52:01PM
254 posts

How Many Dulcimers Do You Own?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I now have 12 including 2 zitters both with staple frets. Most of mine are traditional style with staple frets, several with wooden tuners. Only one with a 6 1/2 fret.

Richard Streib
03/26/21 07:28:51AM
254 posts

FOTMD needs your support

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I encourage all who use the forum to help support it.

It's really simple. If you enjoy the forum and it benefits you, you really ought to support it. A lot of things in life are note free, and the forum is not really meant to be a handout. After all we pay for other things we enjoy--groceries, pro baseball, movies, concerts, bowling, dulcimers, dulcimer festivals etc.

Richard Streib
03/26/21 07:23:08AM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

So sorry Venni to hear of your disease. COVID is wicked. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

Richard Streib
03/25/21 08:02:19PM
254 posts

Ron Ewing dulcimer thoughts?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Ron builds a great dulcimer.

I owned a couple of Ron's dulcimers over the years, a 6 string dulcimette and a standard style. Great craftsmanship, superior balanced sound, beautiful wood and very easy to work with if you want something special made. Most people really like his dulcimers and there are not many for sale. I got rid of mine simply because I chose to move to the old style traditional dulcimer with staple frets, wood tuners, and primarily 1-5-5 tuning with diatonic fretbpard without any added frets. The owner of the standard still plays it regularly as far as I know. The dulcimette was donated to a charity auction to raise money for a student scholarship to attend a major dulcimer festival.

Richard Streib
03/23/21 03:21:39PM
254 posts

McSpadden v. Folkcraft?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

So good to hear. Enjoy your cherry McSpadden. She may get crabby on days you don't have time to give her the attention she craves.winker

Richard Streib
03/09/21 04:43:46PM
254 posts

Newspaper Article

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks for sharing Kenl. Great program. I agree there needs to be more programs along this line.

Richard Streib
03/03/21 08:03:06PM
254 posts

The Positive Thread...

OFF TOPIC discussions

Awesome great news Ken.

Richard Streib
02/27/21 03:06:31PM
254 posts

Researching a dulcimer I think it is a Bob Lazenby

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Wow. That cleaned up really nice. The wood is beautiful whatever species it is.

Richard Streib
02/27/21 01:25:17PM
254 posts

Show Us Your Pets!

OFF TOPIC discussions

The blessings of cats.

Richard Streib
02/27/21 01:23:18PM
254 posts

Researching a dulcimer I think it is a Bob Lazenby

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

That is a beautiful dulcimer @deweylandrum . What a wonderful gift from your father. Best wishes as you learn to play. You have come to the right place to get your questions answered.

Richard Streib
02/24/21 06:16:05PM
254 posts

John Frazier dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Its always nice to learn of different builders. I have not heard of this one. Let us know when you find out more information.

Richard Streib
02/15/21 05:31:44PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yes Strumelia, well worth trip. The more folks who get the vaccine the closer we get to at least a little of normalcy. It'll still be months probably before enough are vaccinated for it to be normal to be realistic. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Richard Streib
02/01/21 08:25:58PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

As Kusani said, this is a vicious disease, and now a mutated more infectious strain is being found in many states.

Our extended family has lost two members to COVID. It is frustrating that some people think it is a hoax. I'm sorry. The MD will not write "hoax" on a death certificate. Those who won't follow precautions and those who think it is not real need to see the wicked suffering many people go through battling this disease.

My prayers are with all who have the disease, the families who have lost loved ones and the heroes in the medical arena treating this disease day after day.

Richard Streib
02/01/21 08:20:23PM
254 posts

How to get adhesive residue off a fretboard?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

The key is to know the finish. Plain cooking oil will work. If it is rubbed oil finish any oil my be useful. Just dry it well when finished and buff it out a little.

Richard Streib
01/28/21 09:14:26AM
254 posts

What Are You Working On?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

[quote="John W. McKinstry"]

Hi Jill,  Good to hear from you.  Yes, I have posted "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" in the video section of FOTMD.  I take comfort in playing the old hymns and often play them as a personal meditation time.

John, I too play some of the old hymns for my personal worship and meditation. Try to do that every time I play.

Richard Streib
12/05/20 07:52:13PM
254 posts

My voyage to the lute guitar (and mountain dulcimer as well)

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Thanks for  your post @jost. Again welcome to the forum. We'll help you along all we can.

Richard Streib
11/21/20 08:43:24PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Perhaps on a more serious note about COVID.  Some members of the forum have contracted this disease, some with mild symptoms some seriously ill, even on life support for a while.

I have heard some folks who think this pandemic is just something that is made up. But make believe does not kill people. This virus is real, it is serious and it is deadly.

My plea is that we all would act with consideration toward others and wear our masks, limit our gatherings, keep our distance and stay home when we don't need to go out. We can limit the further spread of the virus by following the advice of the scientists who are studying this beast. Let's just do it!

Richard Streib
11/20/20 03:52:08PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Good for you, Strumelia. Yes folks are decorating earlier this year. I think this is one thing that reminds us of normal, and it is something that is not limited by our sense of responsibility toward  others nor by governmental restriction.

The odd thing to me is the local media here seem to find it so surprising and out of character. If one thinks about it for just a moment it is not at all surprising. Indeed it is to be welcomed.

Richard Streib
10/24/20 07:18:54PM
254 posts

Bill Davis 1960’s Hourglass Dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Awesome dulcimer. I have had good luck with Strother's string gauge calculator. They do show a bit light at times so you may want to go one or two numbers heavier. is a good source of strings if you want to purchase singles and make up your own sets.

Richard Streib
10/18/20 07:53:39PM
254 posts

New Dulcimore Stand

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thought I'd share a photo of my new multi-place dulcimore stand. Designed by Dulcimore Dan. The padding on the bottom supports is strips of sheep skin glued on. And, No, the dulcimore don't stay in front of the fireplace, just long enough to pose for the picture.

Dulcimore Stand 01 by Dulcimore Dan.jpg Dulcimore Stand 01 by Dulcimore Dan.jpg - 1.5MB
Richard Streib
07/12/20 03:24:24PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

So sorry for the negative part of the change. It is a tough time. Just lots of care, hand washing and more hand washing and masks when around people.

Richard Streib
05/07/20 06:59:18PM
254 posts

Thomas reproductions (Messenger/Knopf/other?)

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions


I'm weighing my options for ordering a meantone fretted Thomas replica. I'm in the UK and as far as I can ascertain, nobody over here is building such things for sale, whereas at least two American luthiers with excellent reputations specialise in this type of historic replica - John Knopf and Kevin Messenger. Is there anything members would say in terms of comparing and contrasting the two? For instance, looking at pictures I have the impression that the upper and lower bouts are almost the same size on John's, whereas the lower bout is noticeably wider on Kevin's - is this correct? Are they based on earlier and later Thomas patterns perhaps? Any effect on sound? Anything else people would say? Any builders I'm overlooking? (I'm aware of Dan Cox and Bobby Ratliff, but as of right now I'm leaning towards a reproduction rather than simply a traditional

I have a K Messenger Thomas reproduction. He used an early 1930's Thomas from which he took his pattern. It looks and sounds might good. It is really sweet in Ebb.  I have seen and heard J Knopf's Thomas reproductions. They as well look great and sound great. As John said they are a bit different but both accurate to the Thomas dulcimores. You won't go wrong with either.Why not get one of each? I can post a picture of the Messenger Thomas if you like.

Richard Streib
05/01/20 06:43:17PM
254 posts

What's your favorite tune or dulcimer to play this month?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Just had to jump in on this question. Currently working on Buffalo Gals as a challenge from some traditional dulcimore playing friends.

My favorite instrument is an UltraLite model made by Dan Cox and specifically set up for playing in Cgg. If I play a CD player I don't make nearly as many mistakes, but it is not the fun of playing the dulcimore.

Richard Streib
03/31/20 08:22:55PM
254 posts

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

OFF TOPIC discussions

I am enjoying our wildlife friends in the back yard. Whitetail deer, Canada Geese, squirrels, racoons, possums, 10 or 15 species of birds including a really large specimen of a redtailed hawk we call Chester.

Also I am getting in some time trying to learn Tabledit, playing my dulcimores, and tabbing out some hymns and other songs.

Yard work will be calling soon as our grass is greening up after its winter dormancy. I'll plant a few things in my vegetable patch by the 8th or 10th.

Stay well all. We'll be past this after awhile.

Richard Streib
01/28/20 08:11:27PM
254 posts

My dulcimers stay out all of the time

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Why put them away? Mine are out on instrument stands in the area where I play, usually daily.

Richard Streib
01/05/20 07:14:39PM
254 posts

North Carolina dulcimers getting media attention

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ken Longfield:

Thanks, Dusty. I enjoyed the video and was impressed that the group took the songs at a nice even pace (slowly).


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

It was a beautiful execution of the songs and as Ken says at slow pace. Very refreshing.

Richard Streib
11/14/19 06:57:57PM
254 posts

Have you met other FOTMD's in real life and become friends?

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yes. Berea the last 2 years was great. I count all those there among my many dulcimer friends. Thanks for FOTMD which allowed the organizers the forum to put that event together in 2018 and 2019. Looking forward to Berea 2020.

Richard Streib
11/04/19 10:35:56AM
254 posts

Fair price for a 2003 McSpadden

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Staylor, I'd advertise it here on FOTMD and ask $325.00 with the understanding you may need to negotiate down a bit. I think it is easily worth that amount. Many times McSpaddens sell more quickly than others and with Christmas approaching some dulcimer player here may be wanting his or her Santa to bring them a nice dulcimer. It may be one of those that takes a month or more to sell. Just be patient. If this does not bring success you always can see if the Dulcimer Shoppe in Mountain View will consign it for you. That is so nice of you to help out your friends. So many times nice dulcimers can be bought for almost nothing because people do not know their value. Then some sellers who don't know their value price them as if they are a Strativarius. Best wishes moving it for your friends.

Richard Streib
10/18/19 01:26:36PM
254 posts

Fair price for a 2003 McSpadden

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I did not see your post before I entered my comments. If you like it and can get it at $250'ish I'd jump all over it.

Richard Streib
10/18/19 01:20:37PM
254 posts

Fair price for a 2003 McSpadden

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I would concur with a price of $250 to $300 (as Banjimmer suggested) provided it is in good shape and your description suggests that it is. One factor a savvy buyer would want to know is how it has been cared for, particularly how it was stored. Was it in a rental storage unit without thermal control, in a damp basement, in an attic space? If you have that information, it may be helpful. Temperature and humidity excesses in either direction are not healthy for a fine musical instrument.

Would you want to post pictures here?

Had you considered asking your friends if you could advertise it for sale on this site? That may bring a better price than an estate sale.

Richard Streib
10/02/19 06:52:33PM
254 posts

Tell us about your VERY FIRST dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions


My "very first" dulcimer was actually six dulcimers.  I spent a summer in West Virginia many decades ago and heard my first dulcimer played on an old front porch by an equally old and delightful lady who was regarded as the matriarch of the town (the name of the town and her surname were the same - it was founded by her ancestors). 

What a wonderful story. You are fortunate to have that collection of dulcimers.

