Bill Davis 1960’s Hourglass Dulcimer

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,212 posts

Another option is to take it to music store and have them measure the diameter of the strings on the dulcimer using a micrometer. You can then purchase the same gauge strings.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 years ago
2,157 posts

Strothers String Calculator:

Diameters of the strings will vary depending on the VSL and the Open tuning notes you want.  VSL is the distance between nut and bridge.  DAA will be slightly different that DAd,  CGG vs CGc the same.  A given set of strings will let you tune up or down two steps before getting too floppy or starting to break.

5 years ago
20 posts
Ok thank you for your suggestions.
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
5 years ago
254 posts

Awesome dulcimer. I have had good luck with Strother's string gauge calculator. They do show a bit light at times so you may want to go one or two numbers heavier. is a good source of strings if you want to purchase singles and make up your own sets.

5 years ago
35 posts

Beautiful, interesting instrument. I’ve been happy with Folkcraft strings. Sweetwater is great for advice, and variety of choices.

5 years ago
20 posts

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased a beautiful Bill Davis 1960’s hourglass four string dulcimer including the original felt bag. 

I would like to replace the strings -does anyone have any recommendations on the diameter of the strings I should use and also the manufacturer of strings that you would recommend?

Thank you for your replies.
