Forum Activity for @ken-longfield

Ken Longfield
01/23/16 11:31:35AM
1,201 posts

Thinking About Buying a Ban Jammer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Ryan, no I don't have a physical shop. I do sell Folkcraft dulcimers and usually keep a few in stock. Actually, you are closer to Pristine2 who sells some used dulcimers from time-to-time. He lives in Hollidaysburg. I do some building and repair work.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 02/03/16 09:21:30AM
Ken Longfield
01/22/16 05:14:02PM
1,201 posts

Thinking About Buying a Ban Jammer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Jim, it seems to me that there are several things to consider here. The repairs to your current dulcimer should not be very expensive. Making a new nut and/or bridge is not difficult. Are the tuners wood, mechanical/metal friction, or planetary? If they have little screws through the button, they can be tightened. You did not mention who made your dulcimer. Knowing this, would aid us in figuring out if it is worth fixing up. It is important to play an instrument with the sound you like. It will make you want to play it more. There are many good luthiers out there who would be happy to make you a custom instrument.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/16/16 09:11:51PM
1,201 posts

Folkcraft Hickory question

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

When I have had all three dulcimers side by side, all walnut, all cherry, all hickory and all Folkcraft, my perception is that the cherry is the brightest and crispest in sound, followed by the walnut and then the hickory. My personal choice is the walnut which is what a play most of the time. I have noticed that you can change the sound the all of these dulcimers by changing out the nuts and bridges. Replace the micarta nuts with wood and you will get a mellower sound.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/15/16 03:54:00PM
1,201 posts

Have you tried an all hickory dulcimer? I think they are one of the most muted dulcimers I've every heard. It is a lovely sound.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/13/16 05:12:03PM
1,201 posts

Battery Powered Mini Acoustic Combo Amp - Suggestions

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I haven't tried it, but if you don't need the stuff for electric guitar, keyboard, etc., that seems a good way to go. They appear to be identical expect for the amp modeling. Looks like a very nice unit to me.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/12/16 09:13:20AM
1,201 posts

Label reading help/late revival dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Jim, might be able to put you in contact with Larry or someone else who worked there in the 1970s.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/11/16 08:21:45PM
1,201 posts

Label reading help/late revival dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

That certainly is difficult to read Richard. Looks like it might have been made from a kit.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/11/16 08:08:36PM
1,201 posts

Classic Country and Old Country Tab Books

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Jim, John does indeed produce some fine books. I am glad that you found them and like them. For those interested in learning more, here is a link to John's website:


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/09/16 10:32:51AM
1,201 posts

Battery Powered Mini Acoustic Combo Amp - Suggestions

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hi Susie. I don't have a battery powered amp, but I do have a Loudbox Mini. I'm not sure how much sound you are looking for from the amp. A 1 watt, 3 watt, or 5 watt battery powered amp will not give you the punch of the Mini. Having said that, I have heard good things from the Roland Mobile Cube. Here is a link describing it: One of my friends has one and uses it primarily in small groups of around 20 people in a room about the size of a typical school room.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
01/01/16 07:24:07PM
1,201 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Happy New Year friends.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
12/23/15 01:35:45PM
1,201 posts

Squeakless Strings?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I use the Folkcraft sets with the flat wound bass strings. Certainly cuts out the noise when you slide on the string. If you don't play chords, squeakiness strings are not needed, IMO, as plain  steel strings do not squeak.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
12/16/15 08:12:26PM
1,201 posts

What's the best thing to use to condition my old all black walnut dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Maria, you shouldn't have any problem with the Lemon Oil. I disagree with Bob on the use of Pledge or any polish that contains silicone. It can cause problems with trying to match the finish if a repair is needed. Just speaking from experience. Stick with polishes made for instruments.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
12/09/15 08:47:24PM
1,201 posts

June Apple Banjomer tuning

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I think Randy Adams tunes his dulcimers to banjo tunings minus the fifth string, but, then, Randy is a banjo player. He does some amazing things with a four equidistant string dulcimer in banjo tunings playing noter/drone style.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
12/09/15 08:43:58PM
1,201 posts

"New" harp dulcimer and Gallier A-frame prototype...

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Brian, those are wonderful instruments and I'm sure a pleasure to play. Have fun with them, which I am sure you will.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
11/16/15 03:58:19PM
1,201 posts

Kandee, I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Folkcraft. Richard, Steve, and the rest of the staff are first class folks. They work very hard to make excellent dulcimers and other instruments. 


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
11/11/15 05:07:18PM
1,201 posts

The Hindman Dulcimer Homecoming is Over (this year)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Here is a photo of the Ritchie family dulcimer that Ron Pen shared with folks at the Homecoming.



DSCN1963.jpg DSCN1963.jpg - 203KB
Ken Longfield
11/10/15 08:59:23AM
1,201 posts

The Hindman Dulcimer Homecoming is Over (this year)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Nice summary of your activities Rob, but you forgot to mention how great your roommate was. LOL! I did something a little different this year and decided to have a table in the vendors area to show my J.E. Thomas dulcimer and have some dulcimers and accessories for sale. Although I did not sell any dulcimers, I did sell some books, picks, noters, a tuner, etc. I had a wonderful time, enjoying workshops and the seminars, playing dulcimer and guitar, renewing old acquaintances, and making new friends. I'll post some photos of the museum.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
11/04/15 08:13:18PM
1,201 posts

Dave is both a wonderful teacher and performer. Check out the link from John.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
11/03/15 05:01:44PM
1,201 posts

Sheryl St. Clare:
Got the banjo bug. Just bought a 1930's 4 string tenor banjo.  

Another person sees the light! That's great Sheryl.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/28/15 04:41:29PM
1,201 posts

Forming a Dulcimer Group -tips?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Welcome back, Kimberly. Our group meets monthly for two hours. If you have beginners I suggest devoting some time (1/2 hour as you mention is good) for someone to work with the beginners, perhaps separately from the main group. This lessons the intimidation factor. Then, have the beginners join the main group and let them jump in as they feel comfortable. I find that some time for chit-chat before or after the meeting is good for folks to get to know one another. You might even take a ten minute break as the beginners join the main group.

Whenever you perform, aklways get the name and a phone number for anyone who says they have one of those funny looking instruments hanging on the wall. Call them invite them to the next meeting. We have recruited new members this way.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/27/15 10:45:19PM
1,201 posts

Tell us about your VERY FIRST dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

My first dulcimer was made from plans obtained from Joseph Wallo in Washington, D.C. It is an hourglass and has a cantilevered fretboard. I made it out rosewood for the back and sides, spruce for the top, and the peg head and fret board are walnut. The fret board is three piece. I laminated a piece of hickory down the middle of the fret board figuring that with string pressure pulling against the cantilever, a three piece board would be less likely to warp. Forty-one years later the fret board is still flat. I do not play it as much as I did, but still use it for noter/drone playing. It has four strings and no 6.5 fret. It is one of my louder dulcimers.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/25/15 02:06:55PM
1,201 posts

New "Group Follow" Features added!

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Cool! Thanks Lisa.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/22/15 04:49:27PM
1,201 posts

$10 Dulcimer Stand Conversion Project

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Very nice Susie. You and your husband did a fine job on the conversion. Thanks for sharing your handiwork.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/22/15 04:45:58PM
1,201 posts

Recognize this Dulcimer Model or Maker?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Yeah, it does kind of favor a Galax, although all the Galax I've seen do not have a strum hollow. That's an interesting peg head design. I guess the builder was making sure he/she had enough space for six pegs.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
10/13/15 04:48:20PM
1,201 posts

acoustic bass guitar

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

What a great deal Dusty. Must be a really nice music shop to give you such a good offer. Enjoy.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/30/15 11:10:32PM
1,201 posts

Interesting British-made dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Nice find. I would certainly look at it and admire it if any of your folks bought it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/30/15 07:15:27PM
1,201 posts

Recommendations for a bow to play a Violin Uke

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Good job Patty. I'm sure your neighbor will enjoy the bow.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/30/15 03:01:53PM
1,201 posts

Recommendations for a bow to play a Violin Uke

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Best wishes. I hope it goes well.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/28/15 05:56:32PM
1,201 posts

I play N/D and flat picking. I like both styles. I don't do fingerpicking very often, but I have done it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/28/15 01:10:43PM
1,201 posts

On my Folkcraft I have 0.011s on my melody strings. I have no problem playing in Cgg with this configuration. The Folkcraft has a 27 inch VSL.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

updated by @ken-longfield: 09/28/15 01:11:51PM
Ken Longfield
09/27/15 03:11:25PM
1,201 posts

Re-gluing the back of a dulcimer?????

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Glad to hear you are making progress on getting your dulcimer repaired.


"The dulcimer sings sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/27/15 11:10:32AM
1,201 posts

Re-gluing the back of a dulcimer?????

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

 The simple answer is yes. I don't know how close you are to Chicago, but if you are near there, you could call the Old Town School of Folk Music and ask who in your area could do a repair for you.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/25/15 11:16:58PM
1,201 posts

Federal Judge rules Happy Birthday to You no longer copyrighted

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

That's the next phase of litigation. We will see what the judge decides.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/24/15 08:31:55PM
1,201 posts

Thanks, Kevin. Saved me a trip to the cellar.

"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/24/15 07:53:04PM
1,201 posts

Recommendations for a bow to play a Violin Uke

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Really good job there, Patty. Looks professional. I'm sure your neighbor will enjoy using it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/24/15 07:37:09PM
1,201 posts

Thanks for the clarification. On the CN Prichard reproduction dulcimers that Kevin Messenger and I build, the bass string is an unwound string. I need to check what gauge that is. Like KenH said on the tuning: "Sure. Why not."


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/24/15 04:27:15PM
1,201 posts

The strings gauges used on the Sweet Woods instruments are for playing in DAdd. There is no reason they can't be used for C - G - C, but will be at lower tension when tuned to pitch. The "ideal" string for the "C" bass would be a 0.023. Wound strings have an inner core that is a smaller gauge. If you tried to tune up a 0.023 to the C bellow middle C you might break it. In the usual DAd tuning the Ds are an octave apart. The high d being a note above middle C and the low D below middle C. Do you want to go an octave below that?


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/23/15 01:07:01PM
1,201 posts

Federal Judge rules Happy Birthday to You no longer copyrighted

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Well, how about that! Happy Birthday everyone!!


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/14/15 04:52:43PM
1,201 posts

Joe, I suggest that you stop by the Old Town School of Folk Music. If they don't have books you want, they can probably tell you where to find them in the Chicago area. Here is the website: . Hope this helps.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
09/09/15 05:16:17PM
1,201 posts

A new podcast about the mountain dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Oh, no problem, Sheryl. We don't learn if we don't ask questions. DPN is Dulcimer Players News, a quarterly journal for both mountain and hammered dulcimer players.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
